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2016年中考考试说明词汇讲解第一讲:首字母“a”到“c” 1. ability /??b?l?ti / 能力,才能n. 二重 (八上Unit 2 P12) adj.--able①原句重现:He lost the ability to walk他不能走路。②能做…… have the ability to do sth. =can do sth.=be able to do sth ③不能做…… lose the ability to do sth. =can’t do sth.=be not able to do sth.④在某方面的能力the ability in/for sth. 同义句转换:⑤ He lost the ability to walk.=He couldn’t walk.=He wasn’t able to walk.2. able /?e?bl/ 有能力的,能干的adj. (六下Unit 9 P63) n.---ability①原句重现:They are able to feel sad,nervous, and happy.他们能感到伤心、紧张和开心。②能做某事be able to do sth. =have the ability to do sth.③翻译句子:天黑前,我们将能到达那里。 Before dark, we will be able to get there.3. above /??b?v/ 在…上面prep.\adv. 二重 (六上Unit 7 P50)①原句重现:There is a family photograph on the wall above the piano. 在钢琴上面的墙上有一个全家福。②尤其是,最重要的是:above all③在学生上方有六盏灯。 There are six lights above the students.④Which stress is different from the others? A. about B. absent C. above⑤ Which one has a different sound?A. above B. across C. among4. accept /?k?sept/ 接受,承担v. 二重 (六下Unit 7 P50)①原句重现:I cannot accept the result of the race. 我不能接受比赛的结果。②接受事实:accept the fact③录取:be accepted to=enter④与receive的区别receive是客观事实的接到某物,但是accept是内心情感上的接受。⑤.翻译句子:我昨天收到了一份礼物,但是我不能收。I received a gift yesterday, but I couldn’t accept it.5. across /??kr?s/ 穿过,横过 prep. 二重(六下Unit 2 P14)①原句重现:I am planning to travel across America this summer. 我计划今年夏天游遍美国②过(马路/桥):go across=cross③偶然遇见:come across④在……对面:be across from⑤用over across through 填空 The animals go __________the forests. He swam ________the river.(横渡)I jumped ________the fence.6. active /??kt?v/ 活跃的,积极的adj. (八下Unit 3 P25)adv.—actively n.---activity①原句重现:He was an active boy. 他是一个活泼的男孩。②积极参加:take an active part in sth. =take part in sth. actively③参加活动:take part in the activity join in the activity④有积极的心态:have an active attitude7. advice /?d?va?s/ 忠告


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