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The Commercial Development Process 商业开发过程 How to get from concept to reality – successfully. 如何成功地从概念到达现实 by Ted deSwart 作者 泰德 Site Selection 选址 Site selection is an art – not a science 选址是一门艺术-而不是科学 A good developer can smell a good site and sense the market 好的开发商可以嗅到好的地址并感知这个市场 …all of this before the market realizes the strategic importance of the site ...所有这些都应该在市场(其它开发商)意识到地址的战略重要性前 Basic Site Requirements 基本的地址要求 Accessibility 可到达性 Infrastructure 基础设施 Market Area 商圈 Permitted Land Use 土地使用权 Buildable 可建造的 Price or Terms 价格或期限 Research 调研 Demographics 人口统计 Disposable Income 可支配收入 Psychographics 消费心态 Absorption rate 吸收速度 Competition 竞争 Upcoming competition 即将到来的竞争 Anchor availability 主力店的可获得性 Market rates 市场租金水平 Planning 规划 Government requirements 政府要求 Market requirements 市场要求 Absorption capability 吸收能力 Identify end users 识别终端消费者 Experienced planners 有经验的规划者 Establish anchor minimum requirements 明确主力店商户的最低要求 Don’t underestimate parking requirements 不要低估停产位需求 Financing 融资 Typical financing in PRC 50% equity/50% loan 中国典型的融资比例是:50%权益/50%贷款 Establish capital capabilities 明确资金能力 Talk to lenders before the deal closes 在达成交易前与贷方讨论 Keep your primary lender involved 让你的首要贷方参与进来 Don’t shop the deal 不要将这桩交易交与太多的银行 Alternate financing methods 其它备选融资方法 Budget for turn-key stores 交钥匙商铺的预算 Architecture Design 建筑设计 Start from function – then aim for style 从功能开始-然后瞄准风格 Don’t let the architects dictate the commercial parameters – give them the commercial parameters 不要让建筑师支配商业参数-给他们商业参数 Test the preliminary design on seasoned retailers 用有经验的零售商来测试初期的设计 Flexibility is the key to survival 灵活性是生存的关键 Development Schedule 开发进度 Plan everything at one time – even expansion areas 一次性规划一切-甚至扩张区域 Build the infrastructure and only what can be absorbed at one time. 建设基础设施和只建可以立即被吸收的量 Plan to open property all at one time 计划一次性开业 Leasing Sales 租赁销售 Start the leasing when construction starts 在施工开始同时就开始招商 Get the anch


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