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工程硕士英语辅导(阅读1) 阅读理解题的命题原则简而言之不外乎两个: 1。 用英语理解和重新诠释英语文章。 2。 逻辑地理解词(短语)、句、段和篇章 选择项的命题大致可包括: 以假乱真、本末倒置、因果颠倒、偷梁换柱、张冠李戴、释义宽窄、归纳失当等。 阅读理解四个层次的出题思路:词、句子和句群、段落、篇章 (的理解) 词的理解 拦路虎:生词: 从应试角度上看,分析词义大致有两种情况: 1。 句子本身提供了明确的解释: Capacitance, or the ability to store electric charge, is one of the most common characteristics of electric circuits. In slang the term “jam” constitutes a state of being in which a person finds himself or herself in a difficult situation. A) happy B) ill C) light-hearted D) in a dilemma 句子本身提供明确解释的手段: 1)定义: Be, mean, deal with, be considered, refer to, be called, be known as, define, represent, signify, constitute, etc. 2) 同位语。除直接同位语, 还常用 Or, similarly, that is to say, in other words, namely, or rather, say, etc. 还有定语从句、直接举例等。 2。 相关语句的逻辑关系明确了词或短语的含义(如比较、对照、因果、同义替代等 请见例(对照/逻辑关系) *Andrew is one of the most supercilious men I knew. His brother, in contrast, is quite humble and modest. From the text, we know that Andrew is ______. A) humble and modest B) too proud C) respectable D) agreeable * Doctors believe that cigarettes smoking is detrimental to your health. They also regard drinking as harmful. The word”detrimental” is closest in meaning to ______. A) beneficial B) insignificant C) critical D) harmful 对已学过的词加以审视 1) 搞清词的本意 Each plant and animal tends to produce far more seeds and eggs, seedlings and young than is necessary to maintain its ( population ) “population” means: A) number of people B) number C) amount D) quantity 2)了解一词多义 The pleasure they experienced in the beginning was so intense that they no longer looked for it at the ( end ), or as the ( end ). Guess who I stumbled across ( upon, on ) ? A nurse attended to his need. ( attend to : 照顾,护理) 3)从上下文逻辑环境把握词义: He is still ( awkward ) with a knife and fork and drops food at each meal. A) difficult B) clumsy C) ungraceful D) dangerous 句子和句群


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