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1970年首都医科大学儿科系毕业;1982年获硕士学位1984-1986任首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院传染病科副主任 1986-1988在美国纽约州立大学医学院儿科系布法罗儿童医院病毒室做WHO访问学者, 在J Infect Dis上以第一作者发表2篇论著 1988-1996任北京儿研所病毒室主任、副所长 1996-2003年间任中国医学论坛报总编辑 2006年至今任中华医学杂志英文版(Chin Med J)总编辑 现任中华儿科杂志副总编辑 2007年始任美国新英格兰医学杂志(N Engl J Med)编委 2009年始任欧洲临床研究杂志(Eur J Clin Invest)编委 Impact Factors of General and Specilty Journals N Engl J Med 53.3 JAMA 31.7 Nature 31.4 Nature Medicine 28.6 Lancet 28.4 Science 28.1 Nature Genetics 24.2 PLoS Medicine 13.7 下面是N Engl J Med一篇摘要的结果部分: Results The mortality rate was 30.8 percent in the placebo group and 24.7 percent in the drotrecogin alfa activated group. On the basis of the prospectively defined primary analysis, treatment with drotrecogin alfa activated was associated with a reduction in the relative risk of death of 19.4 percent (95 percent confidence interval,6.6 to 30.5) and an absolute reduction in the risk of death of 6.1 percent (P=0.005). The incidence of serious bleeding was higher in the drotrecogin alfa activated group than in the placebo group (3.5 percent vs. 2.0 percent, P=0.06). (初步修改) ③The positive rates of B19-DNA and IgM in patients with Schonlein-Henoch purpura, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus and Kawasaki disease were 25% and 20%, 37.2% and 20%, 40% and 20%, 42.9% and 28.6%, 37.5% and 25.0%, respectively. There was no significant difference in the positive rates of B19-DNA and IgM among the above five types of childrens common rheumatism disorders of children (P0.05). (进一步修改) ③ No significant differences in positivity rates of B19-DNA and IgM antibody were found among the patients with Schonlein-Henoch purpura, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus and Kawasaki disease (P0.05). RESULTS—Of 900 patients receiving LM75/25 and 918 patients receiving glargine who completed initiation, 473 and 419, respectively, had A1C #7.0% and continued into maintenance. Bas


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