
高级英语教案 第一册.doc

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高级英语教案 第一册

Unit 1: The Middle Eastern Bazaar V. Rhetorical Devices 1.?simile: comparison of one thing to another, eg: Childhood is like a swiftly passing dream “A heart like stone” 2.?metaphor :the use of words to indicate sth different from the literal meaning, e.g: “I will make him eat his words”. “He has a heart of stone 3. onomatopoeia formation of words in imitation of the sounds associated with the thing concerned 拟声造字法 4 metonymy: Metonymy is a figure of speech which expresses a relation between the thing spoken of and the thing meant, in such a way that the mention of one suggests other. Rhetorical Devices 区别:借喻(代)不同于隐喻, 1)? 借喻是指同类事物之间的比拟,而隐喻则是不同事物之间的比拟; 2 )? 借喻不是同类的概念,(similarity),而是接近的概念,两个概念关系密切,唇齿相依。 如:White House指美国总统府; the Pentagon即美国国防部. Rhetorical Devices 借喻中也含有本体和喻体,两者之间是一种借代关系。如: She was a girl who excited the emotions, but I was not the one to let my heart rule my head. 她是个让人动情的姑娘,而我则不是让感情支配理智的人。 Rhetorical Devices 借喻中的本体和喻体之间的关系可以通过下列几种方式进行表达: 1.以典型的人体组织、器官或部位代人的抽象行为或能力; 2.以作家名借代作品或观念; 3.以容器借代被盛的东西;以局部地名代整体名,或以产地代产品名; 4.以资料或工具代替事物的名称; 5.以商标代产品; 以特征指人或物 Unit 2: Hiroshima“the Liveliest” City in Japan III . Detailed Study of the Text: 1. slip: to move slidingly, smoothly, secretly or unnoticed. it carries a stronger implication of a frictionless than slide. 2. lump: a mass of sth. solid without a special size of shape a lump of lead, sugar Black coffee, 2 lumps, please! a hard swelling on the body She was afraid when she felt a lump in her left breast to have a lump in ones throat: to have a tight feeling in the throat because strong emotion, such as sorrow or gratitude, to have ones throat choked, to have a feeling of pressure, being unable to breath, a tight sensation in the throat caused by unexpressed pity, sorrow, excitement, etc. The strong sensation of excitement and sorrow made me unable to breathe or to speak as if my throat was choked, as if my throat got blocked by sth. solid. 3. on my mind: troubling ones thoughts, causing anxiety, un


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