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( ) 中国病理生理杂志  Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology  2003 ,19 9 :1267 - 1271 ·1267 · ( ) [文章编号]  1000 - 4718 2003 09 - 1267 - 05 ·综  述 · 气道粘液 、粘蛋白及其分泌调节 1 1 2 黄建民 ,  何韶衡 ,  赵卫华 ( 1汕头大学医学院变态反应学和炎症学研究所 ,广东 汕头 515031 ; 2 深圳市第二人民医院 ,广东 深圳 518035) Air way mucus , mucins and their secretory regulations HUAN GJian - min1 , HE Shao - heng1 , ZHAO Wei - hua2 ( 1A llergy and Inf lammation Institute , S hantou University Medical College , S hantou 515031, China ; 2 Second Peop le ’s Hosp ital of S henz hen , S henz hen 518035 , China)   【A Revie w】 Mucus secreted mainly by epithelial goblet cells and submucosal glands covering the respi ratory tract plays an important role in the protection from external aggressions , such as solid particles , pathogens and chemical agents by mucociliary clearance . The viscoelastic properties of mucus are mainly deter mined by the presence of extensively - glycosylated high molecular weight mucins. A lot of factors influence the expression and secretion of mucins in airway , lead to mucus overproduction , which is a distinguishing feature of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and causes disruption of the mucociliary clearance function , resulting in airway block , chronic infection and death .   [ 关键词]  气道 ; 粘液 ; 粘蛋白类   [ KEY WORDS]  Airway ; Mucus ; Mucins    [ 中图分类号]  R363      [文献标识码]  A   气道粘液粘附吸入的尘粒和微生物等 ,进而通 酸 、苏氨酸的羟基侧链连接 ,形成 O - 连接的寡


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