[农学]第八章 基因的表达与调控.ppt

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[农学]第八章 基因的表达与调控

经典遗传学对基因结构和功能的探索 三个重要事件: 1. Around 1940 Delbrück, Hershey and Luria became interested in bacteriophage, a type of virus that infects bacteria, rather than ordinary cells. They were trying to find a living system as simple as possible, on which to study with hope of success, fundamental life processes, first of all self-replication. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1969 2. “One gene-one enzyme Beadlr and Tatum made the experiment of eye pigments of Drosophila.A cinnabar eye in a vermilion host remained cinnabar, but a vermilion eye in a cinnabar host became wild type. To explain this result we formulated the hypothesis that there must be two diffusible substances involved, one formed from the other according to the scheme: + Precursor +- V+ substance -+ cn+ substance + Pigment.. . Where V+ substance is a diffusible material capable of making a vermilion eye become wild type, and cn+ substance is capable of doing the same to a cinnabar eyes. The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1958 3. cis-trans complementation test. Seymour Benzer (1921– ). Alleles that were functional but not structural were first termed pseudoalleles 一基因一酶学说 . 芽盘移植实验 1902 [英] Garrod.A首先研究了四种遗传病: 黑酸尿病 白化病 胱氨酸尿病 戊糖尿病 1919 斯特蒂文特报告果蝇朱砂眼突变型 1933年比德尔和伊弗鲁西(Ephrussi)提出采用成虫盘移植来研究细胞内反应底物的改变对眼色的影响 芽盘,成 虫盘 (imaginal discs) + :鲜红的 (bright red) v :桔黄色眼 (vermilion) cn : 橙红色眼(cimnabar) sc : 暗红色眼 (scarlet)。 红色链孢霉(Nenrospora crassa) (1)其遗传特性已了解清楚; (2)用射线或紫外照射孢子,很容易诱发突变;(3)可以在特定的培养基上生长,并能人工合成它所必需的全部物质。 1941 Beadlr Tatum 提出: “ one gene one enzyme” hypothesis 乙酰鸟 鸟氨酸精 精氨琥珀 精氨琥珀 氨酸酶 氨甲酰酶 酸合成酶 酸裂解酶 ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ N- 乙酰 鸟氨酸 瓜氨酸 精氨 精氨酸 鸟氨酸 琥珀酸 氨甲酰磷酸 天冬氨酸 图7-4 精氨酸生物合成途径 红色链孢霉实验 (1) 突变品系 基本 基本培养基加


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