[院校资料]Intensive Reading Unit One.ppt

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[院校资料]Intensive Reading Unit One

Welcome to my class ! Course Introduction and famous sayings as well. (学生应熟记课文有关段落,英语诗歌及名人名言) Last but not least, students are required to memorize the words and expressions, try to use them in appropriate ways, and understand how they are formed. (学生应熟记并正确使用课本中出现的单词及惯用表达,理解常见的构词法) Course Requirements Come to class only if you are fully-prepared. Bring a notebook with you to take down the important language points. Bring an exercise book for the dictation or the quiz each Friday. A presentation on the topic of “what interests you in English” will be given every Tuesday by two students. Course Introduction Intensive reading is a course designed to improve students’ integrated skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. (精读教程旨在提高学生听说读写四项基本技能) In detail, students shall be able to grasp the basic idea of the text and state their own views on some crucial points. (学生能够理解文章大意,并就某些问题发表独到见解) Besides, it is important that they get familiar with certain paragraphs of the text, some poems Course Requirements The Final Score Will Be Based on Three Parts: Your participation will account for 10%. Your classroom performance will account for 20%. (10% presentation 10% quizzes) The final text will account for 70%. Classroom Activity Name a few things that could have changed a person fundamentally. Why? Love Friendship Desire Responsibility Unit 1 The Dinner Party Warm-up Questions Women used to be referred to as the weaker sex. What do you think? “Frailty, thy name is woman!” (Shakespeare) 2. Do you think there is real equality between the sexes in present-day China? 3. Who is the heroine you admire most? Give your reasons. Expressions for your reference discriminate; discrimination; be inferior to; a sense of inferiority; injustice; ill-treated; strength; courage; promote equality between men and women; guarantee/protect women’s rights in every aspect of social life improve one’s social po


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