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BEP 3: English Consonants Main content Definition of consonants Description and classification of English consonants Voicing and aspiration Syllable structure Definition of consonants Vowels vs. consonants: phonetic definition Vowels as median (air must escape over the middle of the tongue, thus excluding lateral /l/ Vowels as oral (air must escape through the mouth, thus excluding nasals) Vowels as frictionless (thus excluding fricatives) Vowels as continuant (thus excluding plosives) semivowels /j, w, r/ Vowels vs. consonants: phonological definition the functioning of sounds in syllables in a particular language Traditionally consonants are those segments which, in a particular language, occur at the edges of syllables, while vowels are those which occur at the centre of syllables. (excluding /j, w, r/) Classification of consonants Articulation is the production of speech sounds using the speech organs to modify the airstream set in motion by the lungs. Consonants are classified according to three distinctive parameters: place of articulation manner of articulation voicing 发音器官 1上下唇 2上下齿 3齿龈 4硬腭 5软腭 6小舌 7舌尖 8舌面 9舌根 10咽腔 11会厌软骨 12声带 13喉头 14气管 15食道 16口腔 17鼻腔 English consonants (/tr, dr, ts, dz/ not included) Places of articulation for English consonant sounds p, b, m bilabial lower lip, upper lip f, v labiodental lower lip, upper teeth Places of articulation for English consonant sounds W, T dental tongue tip, upper teeth t, d, n. l, s, z alveolar tongue tip or blade, alveolar (ts, dz) ridge Places of articulation for English consonant sounds r, (tr, dr) post-alveolar tongue tip, rear of alveolar ridge F, V, tF, dV palato-alveolar retracted blade of tongue, hard palate Places of articulation for English consonant sounds j palatal front of body of tongue, hard palate k, g, N velar back of tongue, soft palate * Vocal o
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