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abide (v.)忍受〖同〗endure In fact,interviews with Travers suggest little more than that she couldnt abide journalists and had little patience with people who yearned to elicit trivial,simplistic or self-evident answers from her. 实际上,特拉维斯在受访中所透露的不过是,她不能忍受报社记者,也受不了一些人专问一些很琐碎、简单或不问自明的问题。 ◇yearn (v.)渴望elicit (v..)(从……)诱出(回答、笑声等) abscond (v.)(带着钱等)潜逃 The owner of a Kobe sporting-goods store was arrested after allegedly absconding with $64,000in advance payments for Air Mazes (athletic shoes). 神户一家运动用品公司老板因涉嫌卷款潜逃而被捕,款项是Air Maxes运动鞋的预付金6.4万美元。 adapt(v.)改编,改写 It should be a snap to adapt a John Crisham thriller. 把格利森的惊险小说改编成电影,应该是件很容易的事。 ◇snap (n.)容易的事 aggravate使……恶化 “Sanctions are not a sensiblechoice,said Foreign Minister Qian Qichen.“They would only aggravate the crisis.” 外交部长钱其深表示:“制裁并非明智的抉择,只会使危机恶化。 annex(v..)并吞(土地) He has threatened to restore Russias imperial borders,annex Alaska,invade Turkey,repartition Poland,give Germany “another Chernobyl,”turn Kazakhstan into a “scorched desert.” 他扬言要恢复帝俄时期的疆界,并吞阿拉斯加,入侵土耳其,再次瓜分波兰,让德国人尝尝“另一个切尔诺贝利”核电站事件,让哈萨克斯坦成为“荒凉的焦土”。 ◇scorch (v.)烧焦,使成焦土 apprehend(v.)逮捕〖同〗catch After the U.S. embassy receives a tip,American agents and local police apprehend Youself in Room at the Su Casa west House. 美国大使馆收到线人情报后,美国情报人员和当地警方在苏凯撒公寓16室逮捕了尤瑟夫。 assail (v.)攻击〖同〗attack Tensions between the two groups exploded last December,when People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals assailed an AIDS treatment that involved taking immune cells from a baboon and then killing it for autopsy. 这两个团体的紧张关系在去年12月终于爆发。当时“反虐待动物组织”(PETA )攻击一种艾滋病疗法,这种疗法要从狒狒身上取出免疫细胞,然后杀死拂拂作解剖。 ◇baboon(n.)狒狒;autopsy (n.)尸体解剖 beef up (v.)加强〖同〗strengthen The Vietnamese defense budget has recently increased nearly,50%,largely to beef up its air force with an eye toward protecting the reserves. 越南国防预算近来增加了近50%,大多用于增强其空军武力,而目的则是保护其矿藏。 bolster (v.)增强〖同〗strengthen The danger is that otherwise healthy men will take sildenafil to bolster their sexual performance and then become psychologically addicte


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