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进阶词 形容词/副词 abysmal(a.)无底的,极差劲的 [同]dismal There is no ignoring Cubas abysmal state. In the three years since Soviet aid was virtually elimianated,the islands overseas buying power has dropped from $8 billion to $2 billion. 古巴糟糕的处境也不容忽视,自从苏联的援助形同废除之后,三年来古巴的海外购买力已从80亿美元降为20亿美元。 all-out(a.)尽全力的,彻底的 Digital change has evolved from an amusing walk toward the future to an all-out sprint. 数字技术的进展已经从朝着未来的愉悦漫步,变成拼命向前的冲刺。 ※sprint (n.)(长距离赛跑中的)冲刺 antagonistic (a.)敌对的,不相容的 The antagonistic ants have been harassing (the U.S.) people,mostly in the South,for decades. 美国人,特别是美国的南方人,已被这与之处处作对的蚂蚁骚扰了数十年。 apace (adv.)急速地 [同]speedily swiftly After a 32-year career pioneering the development of Californias Silicon Valley,Noyce moved in 1988 to Austin to head Sematech,a government and industry research consortium working to keep the U.S.apace with Japan in semiconductor manufacturing technology. 诺伊斯在引领加州硅谷的发展32年之后,于1988年搬到奥斯汀主持Sematech机构,这是一个政府与企业联合组成的机构,宗旨是让美国在半导体的制造技术方面,快速跟上日本。 ※consortium (n.) 联合机构 appalling (a.) 可怕的,遭透的 In an appalling demonstration of the mistreatment of recruits and their meager food rations,in March 1993 four sailors on Russky Island in the Fat East died of malnutrition. 入伍士兵所受到的不当待遇和稀少的食物配给,在1993年3月有了骇人的揭露,在这个月 远东区鲁斯岛有四名海军士兵,因营养不良而死亡。※meager (a.) 微薄的 astute(a.)精明的 [同]shrewd Lawrence Korb,an Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Reagan Administration,calls Powell“as astute a politician as Ive met.” 里根政府的国防部部长助理科尔布称鲍威尔是“我所见过的最精明的政治人物”。 awry (a.) 背离正确方向的,异常的 Scientists are studying how genetic abnormalities that make hormone levels go awry may play a role in sexual orientation. 科学家正在研究,会导致荷尔蒙分泌异常的基因变异,对人的性倾向有多大影响。 ※abnormality (n.) 异常,反常 (go)ballistic (a.)勃然大怒的 In short,do household pets really have a mental and emotional life?Their owners think so, but until recently,animal-behavior experts would have gone ballistic on hearing such a question. 简言之,宠物是否真有心智活动与情绪反应?它们的主人对此都持肯定态度,但直到最近,动物行为专家听到这个问题,大概都还会勃然大怒。 benign (a.)无害的,有利的 Private cars will virtually be ba


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