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Unit 3 Life in the futurewelcomeReadingTasks:Arouse our imagination by predicting the future life.认识现在,展望未来,激发我们的想象力。2. Master the relative words, expressions, and important sentences in text book.掌握好课本里相关的单词,词组,及句子.3. Improve the reading skills. Key words and phrasesaspectconstantpreviousuncertaincapsuleadjustmentmaskcarriagepressbelttimetablestewardtake uplose sight of…slide intobe back on one’s feet1. 方面;层面2. 时常发生的;连续不断的3. 在前的;早先的4. 不确切的;无把握的5. 太空舱;胶囊6. 调节;调整7. 面具;面罩8. 运输工具;四轮马车9. 按;压;逼迫10. 腰带;皮带11. 时间表;时刻表12. 乘务员;服务员13. 拿起;接受;开始;继续14. 看不见……15. 移动;溜进16.(困境后)恢复Life in the futureHave you ever imagined what life will be in the future?Will it change for better or worse?It all depends!transport housecommunication environmentbetterbetterbetterworseThere are only some aspects of life in future.Do you want to see what life will be like in the future from aspects?Let’s enjoy some pictures together.Transport horse or simplevehicle such as a carriagecars, trains, airplanes,spaceship, private flying carsEducationThe school of the future—distance educatione-schoolsCommunicationvideophoneHousesmudsmall houses flats in high buildingshouses along the streetwith many shopsmodern flats, floating Good or Bad? Life in the AD3008 ???How many changes there have been in the last one thousand years?ReadingFirst Impressions time capsulehovering carriagestrange-looking housea boy who was given a chance to travel to the year AD3008 as a prizeHe is now writing to his parents about his exciting and unforgettable tour… Do you want to know what he sees and what happen to him? Li QiangTask 1: Skimming 主旨大意题1. Read the whole passage quickly and decide which is the main idea of the passage. _______An e-mail written by a boy who has taken up a trip to the futureB. The man have his first try to master a hovering carriage.C. The man are surprised at the Wang ping’s home.D. The preparation of the trip. [技巧点拨] 快速浏览文章首或尾段,初定文章主旨,兼顾各个段落主题句,确定答案。跳过细节和不重要的描述或例子。 找主题句(topic sentence)的方法:用浏览法(skim


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