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On the Linguistic Tactics in Business English Negotiation  PAGE \* ROMANII Abstract As globalization of world economy gains momentum, business negotiations have become more and more important nowadays. And in business negotiation process, language strategies play very important role in determining the outcome of the negotiation. Language users use different linguistic forms strategically to achieve different communicative intentions. Negotiators use pragmatic strategies to achieve their communicative intentions. While many scholars abroad have made a study of the strategies in business negotiation from a managerial view, which seems to be lacking in language data as evidence, most of the Chinese scholars have paid more attention to the pragmatic strategies such as strategies of politeness, humor, and euphemism applied in international business negotiations from different perspectives. Therefore, application of the pragmatic strategies can only be described as means of getting as much profit as possible under a competitive win-win negotiation situation. This paper is composed of four chapters. In the first chapter, I make a brief introduction to the negotiation and the business negotiation tactics. The second chapter is the most important chapter in the whole paper which is called verbal strategies. It explains language tactics from three periods, the beginning period, the negotiation period and the ending period. To aim at different period’s functions in negotiation, I will introduce different language tactics. Besides verbal strategies, non-verbal strategies also play a crucial role in negotiation. The third chapter, I will introduce the non-verbal strategies from body language, paralanguage, silence and etc. The last chapter is the conclusion part. I made an analysis in selecting a language during the negotiation. Not all the verbal pragmatic strategies can be applied in a business negotiation under a win-win situation. Some verbal pragmatic strategies such


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