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To take you into Paris, France Schedule The First day: Live in hotel near Seine. Triumphal arch凯旋门.Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔 Paris Arc de Triomphe Champs Elysees The Eiffel Tower Charming Louvre Sunset Seine Next stop 埃菲尔铁塔sunrise Eiffel Tower was built in 1889, one in Paris, France Mars square hollow Structural steel tower, 300 meters high, the antenna 24 meters high, with a total 324 meters high. 铁塔night view Hotel Place de Pavis Notre Dame 巴黎圣母院 Musée du Louvre 卢浮宫 Seine塞纳河畔 巴黎圣母院 Dame de Paris Notre Notre Dame is a Gothic-style church is an ancient symbol of Paris. 迷人的卢浮宫 The Louvre has a very tortuous and complicated history, which is in turn the history of France and Paris as well as intricate interwoven together. People come here of course, to witness the world-famous art treasures, but also want to see the Louvre of the building itself, because it is both a great art masterpieces, but also in France almost a thousand years of history witness. Have lived here for 50 King and Queen of France,there are many famous artists lived here. 卢浮宫有着非常曲折、复杂的历史,而这又是和巴黎以至法国的历史错综地交织在一 起的。人们到这里当然是为了亲眼看到举世闻名的艺术珍品,同时也是想看卢浮宫这 座建筑本身,因为它既是一件伟大的艺术杰作,也是法国近千年来历史的见证。这里曾 经居住过50位法国国王和王后,还有许多著名艺术家在这里生活过。 * * The Second day: Notre Dame 巴黎圣母院. Musée du Louvre 卢浮宫 The Third day: Elysee爱丽舍宫Jardin du Luxembourg 卢森堡公园 Place de la Bastille巴士底广场 Seine塞纳河畔 前菜:番茄,里面包着虾仁洋葱和土豆 前菜:番茄,里面包着虾仁洋葱和土豆 改良后的卡布奇诺型的马赛鱼汤 主菜:煎鲈鱼配黄瓜丝意粉 鸡肉意粉 Orangina(橙汁苏打)喝起来很爽·· 杏仁饼干,很甜,配上咖啡,稍微好点 香茅牛肉饭 烤鸭排··· 烤鸡肉配烤苹果 Hotel Triumphal arch凯旋门 Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔 Seine塞纳河畔 Champs Elysees香榭丽舍大街 巴黎凯旋门 The monument stands over 51 metres (165 feet) in height and is 45 metres wide. It is the second largest triumphal arch in existence Its night view 香榭丽舍大道 10月


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