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Time-Conscious Americans Situation: My American friend invited me to her house for dinner at 6:30. When am I supposed to get there? A. Right on time. B. Be fashionably late. C. Half an hour late. D. About 5’-10’ earlier. Before you go, it’s always best to ________________ When you go to a party, you’d be ______________. When you go to somebody’s house for dinner, you’d be _________, just _________. Time is regarded as ________________. (Para. 2) They do everything ________. They start talking business _______. They work hard at the task of saving time by ______________________________ ___________ . II. Structure Analysis The general statement (Para.1~2) Illustration: (Para.3~7) the foreigner’s first impression of the U.S Emphasis by contrast (Para.8) Americans take it as a sign of skillfulness to do things quickly, while the foreigners consider it proper to take time doing things. The writer presents the general statement by giving specific details, then telling the reasons. fall behind sb./sth. fall behind with sb./sth. result in Notice here in this sentence we have a special type of adverbial clause: “the other being labor.” slave to sth. A person who is completely influenced or dominated by sth. budget vt. budget for vi. account for account for count vi. If sth. counts, it’s important or valuable; race through: do sth. in a hurry take sth. personally 认为某事是针对某人的 Discussion What do you think of time-conscious Americans? Do you prefer a slow pace of life or a fast pace? Why? e.g. Lunch finished, all the guests returned to the sitting room. Back The structure is: subject+-ing (or:-ed) verb. This type of clause can also be put at the beginning of the whole sentence. Book 2 Unit 1 e.g. a slave to drink a slave to money Words and Expressions Back 学校编列了一百万美元建新图书馆的预算。


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