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Rhetorical features Pun Burning questions on tunnel safety unanswered ?(About the possibility of fires in the Channel tunnel) Return to gender ?(About a reoccurrence of sexual harassment in London post offices) The importance of reading papers and magazines 1.The importance in helping us review what we have mastered in vocabulary 2.The importance in understanding the good use of words 3.The importance in knowing what is going on in the world—open a new world to us, widen our horizon, unlocks the opportunities to new worlds and opens our mind to new ideas 二、体裁与结构 1.新闻定义 1)News is a fresh report of events,facts,or opinions that people did not know before they read your story 2)News is anything timely that interests a number of persons,and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number 2.新闻价值 1)timelines/freshness 2)importance,consequence,impact or significance China cuts stock stamp tax to 0.1% to support market BEIJING - China announced Wednesday to slash the stock stamp tax to 0.1 percent from 0.3 percent beginning on April 24, in the latest effort to support the equities market(产权投资市场 ) that has fallen 46 percent from its record high on October 16. 3)prominence 1. ordinary person(s)? +? usual occurrence(s) ≠ news 2. ordinary person(s) + unusual occurrence(s) = news 3. extraordinary person(s) + usual occurrence(s) = news 4. extraordinary person(s) + unusual occurrence(s)=good/big news 4)nearness,proximity or locality Carrefours statement welcomed against Tibet independence BEIJING - Chinas Ministry of Commerce (MOC) on Tuesday welcomed French retail giant Carrefours statement that opposes Tibet independence and supports Beijing Olympics. 5)unusualness,bizarreness,oddity or novelty 1. When a dog bites a man, that’s not news; but when a man bites a dog,that’s news 2. Bad news is good news. 6)interest Man says his?life on sale A man offered his home, car, job and friends on line Tuesday after splitting from his wife in an


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