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TEM 8 1994 Group 1 Part One Listening Comprehension conducted [??????????] ----adj. Lead or guided. 被领导的, 被引导的,被带领的 We were given a conducted tour of the cathedral. 我们在有人引导下参观了大教堂。 [必背搭配 under the conduct of [派生词汇] conduct (TEM4) vt. 引导, 管理,导(电);n. 行为, 品行,进行, 引导管理;conductor (TEM4) n. (乐队)指挥,向导; 护送人,管理人;(公共汽车)售票员; (火车)列车员;导体[线,管],避雷针 [词义辨析] conduct, direct, manage, control, steer, guide: Conduct指一个人的指导,权力和责任;The chairperson conducted the hearing. 也可指指一群人的合作;A neutral team from the United Nations will observe the elections to be sure that they are conducted fairly. Direct强调行为的规则以保证计划和执行的正确性; To direct a political campaign. Manage暗指对一个人、一群人或通常是一个复杂机构的操纵或控制; A good manager knows how to manage a staff. Control暗指对权威方向的执行;它强调以禁令或限制的形式颁布的规章或发布的命令或控制; Police are controlling the crowd. Her brother controls the firms personnel policies. Steer表示类似用设备来引导,就象船舵能控制方向和指引路径一样; John steered the conversation away from politics. Conduct 与guide意思比较接近,都是引领方向的意思,conduct 比guide控制的意味更浓一些。 aquatic [????????] (TEM4)---- 1. adj. 2. n. 1. Taking place on or in water. 水上的,水中的 Swimming and water-skiing are both aquatic sports. 游泳和滑水都是水上运动。 2. An organism that lives in, on, or near the water. 水生动物; 水生植物;Athletic activities performed in or on the water. [pl. ](复数)水上或水中运动 Aquatics are vulnerable to injury from polluted water. 水生动植物容易受到水质污染的伤害。 fun fair [????????] ----n. 游乐场 (露天的娱乐活动 摊位游戏 杂耍表演等) Children like to play in the funfair. 孩子们喜欢在游乐场玩。 overdraw [??????????] (TEM4)----vt. To draw more money from (a bank account ) than the amount that is in it. 从(银行账户)透支 He has overdrawn the money for next month. 他花完了下个月的钱。 pragmatic [??????????] (TEM8)----adj. Treating things in a sensible and realistic way concerned with practical results. 务实的, 实事求是 A politician valued for his pragmatic approach. 因讲求实际而受人尊重的政治家。 [派生词汇] pragmatical adj. 实用主义的; pragmatically adv. 实用主义地;pragmaticism n. (哲)实用主义;pragmaticist n. (哲)实用主义者 plutonium [????????????] (TEM8)----n. Artificially produced radioactive metallic element


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