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SUMMARY 概要 1. Malawis economy has grown strongly in most years since its last trade policy review (TPR) in 2010. While annual GDP growth rates peaked at 9.5%, the period under review also included a marked slowdown of the economy in 2012. Total merchandise trade increased rapidly during the period under review, from 60% of GDP in 2010 to 102% in 2014. Malawi is a least developed country with a largely agricultural economy; as a result, its performance remains vulnerable to adverse weather conditions and terms of trade shocks. 自2010年最后一次贸易政策审议(TPR)以来,马拉维的经济在此后的大多数年份保持增长强劲。虽然年度GDP增长率达到了9.5%的峰值,经济于此贸易政策审议期间(2012年)却出现了明显放缓。总的商品贸易于此审议期间增长迅速,2010年为60%的GDP, 到2014年,这一比例增加到102%。作为最不发达的国家之一,马拉维的经济以农业为主;正是因此,其经济表现更容易受到复杂天气条件和贸易条件变化冲击的影响。 2. Despite some improvements in recent years, Malawi remains one of the world’s poorest countries in terms of most development indicators. Gross national income per capita is estimated at some US$250. Annual population growth is very high and has even been increasing over the last years. The labour market is largely informal. Malawi has traditionally been highly dependent on donor support. However, during the period under review it has had an on-off relationship with many of its donors. 尽管近年来有所改善,就大多数经济发展指标而言,马拉维仍是世界上最贫穷的国家之一。据估计,人均国民总收入为250美元左右。年人口增长率很高,且过去几年仍在增加。大部分劳动力市场还不正规。从过往来讲,马拉维一直以来都高度依赖于捐助国的支助。然而,在贸易政策审议期间,其与许多捐助国都处于分分合合的关系。 3. The cost of doing business in Malawi remains very high, due to significant challenges related to transport, communication, energy, and administrative barriers. This impacts on Malawis competitiveness in international markets as well as its ability to attract meaningful foreign direct investment, in spite of an investment regime that is generally open. Malawis fiscal situation has continued to face challenges during the review period. Public debt has strongly increased which partly reflects recourse to domestic financing in the wake of external financing shortfalls arising from the suspension of external budget


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