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文学翻译赏析与实践 Figurativeness 那妇人生着一副绵软多肉的体格,一张坦率开诚的面容,一种天真羞怯的神气.一双大落落的柔顺眼睛,里边隐藏着无穷的心思,只有那些对于凄惶无告的穷苦人面目作过同情观察的人才看得出来. (傅东华,上海文艺出版社,1959年) 那个中年妇女,身子虚胖无力,面容坦率开朗,言谈举止却显得天真羞怯.她那双善于忍耐的大眼睛里,包含着这么一点忧愁, 只有满怀同情地端详过孤苦无告/心烦意乱的穷人面容的人,方才能够理解. (潘庆舲,1987) 妇人体型肥胖,一身虚肉,面容坦然、率直,举止则稍欠世故,显得信心有点不足。她一双大眼神情虽平和,当中则隐藏一抹苦痛的阴影,但也只有那些对痛楚及无助的穷人面孔心怀同情地人方才体察得出来。(范文美,2003) Fortress Besieged IT is said that girl friend is the scientific term for sweetheart, making it sound more dignified, just as the biological name for rose is rosaceae dicotyledonous, or the legal term for divorcing ones wife is negotiated separation by consent. Only after Fang Hung-chien had escorted Miss Su around Hong Kong for a couple of days did he realize that a girl friend and a sweetheart were actually two completely different things. ( Jeanne Kelly ,Nathan K. Mao(茅国权) Miss Su was the ideal girl friend, with the brains, the status, the poise, and looks of a girl of good family. Going to restaurants and theaters with her was no cause for disgrace. Though they were quite close, he was confident his friendship with her would develop no further. Like two parallel lines, no matter how close they are, or how long they are extended, they will never join together. Expressiveness of emotion “Rickshaw Boy”- Howard Goldbaltt (葛浩文) With no place to sit, he had best walk slowly on; but where should he go? In all this silver world there was no place for him to sit, nowhere for him to go. In this expanse of whiteness, there were only starving little birds and a man at a dead end sighing in despair. implicitness Herbert Giles At Dawn Drive the young orioles away, Nor let them on the branches play; Their chirping breaks my slumber through And keep me from my dreams of you. implicitness W.J.B. Fletcher A Lovers Dream Oh, drive the golden orioles From off our garden tree! Their warbling broke the dream wherein My lover smiled to me. implicitness Witter Bynner A Spring Sigh Drive the orioles away, All their music from the trees...


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