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Language Point 10 How they do it is a mystery but they must come from somewhere. (Para. 2) Meaning: How these ideas came to your mind is a mystery; no one can understand. But they must have come from somewhere, an unknown source. mystery: something that is not fully understood Many people have tried to solve the problem but without success; it is a mystery that the girl found the solution to it in just a minute. 许多人设法解决这个问题,但都没有成功; 这个女孩仅在几分钟内就把它解决了,真是件怪事。 Language Point 11 This is reasonable, for psychologists use this term to describe mental processes which are unknown to the individual. (Para. 2) Meaning: The explanation holds water as psychologists use this special term to describe the patterns going on in our mind, which are not known by human beings. process: n. a connected set of actions or events that produce continuation or slow change In this example, the conscious mind at the moment of creation knew nothing of the actual processes by which the solution was found. (Para. 5) 在这个事例中,意识在创造的时候对发现答案的实际过程一无所知。 Scientists have now discovered more about the processes of sleep and dreaming. 科学家已经发现了更多的有关睡眠和做梦的过程。 Psychologists study the processes by which human personalities are formed, develop and change. 心理学家研究人类性格的形成、发展和改变的过程。 Language Point 12 Creative thought depends on what was unknown becoming known. (Para. 2) Meaning : Creative thought comes if one can change what was unknown into something that is known depend on: happen according to; count on The success of the factory depends on the workers. 工厂的成功取决于工人的工作。 Depending on how much he sells, his earnings will increase. 他收入的增加取决于他能卖出多少。 New Horizon English Book 1 Unit 8 Pre-reading activity: Ⅰ. Background Information 1. Richard Wagner (1813-1883), the greatest composer of German opera, made a major addition to the nature of opera through his writings about and the creation of music drama. Music drama combines singing, orchestra, verse, story, drama and spectacle. Wagners works include the The Rin


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