(精选)英语Unit 10 儿童的认知发展简介课件.ppt

(精选)英语Unit 10 儿童的认知发展简介课件.ppt

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6、Sing the following song Questions for text discussion relate v. 讲, 叙述; 使联系; 与…有联系/关系 mental adj. 精神的, 智力的 literacy n. 有读写能力 provide v. 供应, 供给, 准备 relevant adj. 有关的, 适当的 critically adv. 批判性地 reason v. 推理, 推断, 分析 direct vt. 指引, 指导 manipulate vt. 操作, 摆布, 控制 inquire v. 询问, 问明 classify vt. 分类, 分等 label vt. 贴标签于; 把…归类 compare v. 比较, 相比, experiment vi. 尝试, 进行实验 meaningful adj. 意味深长的 cognition n. 认识能力 achievement n. 成就, 功绩 peer n. 同龄人, 同等的人 manipulative adj. 用手控制的, 巧妙处理的 progress vi. 前进, 进步, reinforce vt. 加强, 强化 original adj. 新颖的,独创的; 有独到见解的 in words 用语言;口头上 Children’s Cognitive Development Cognitive development is about knowing and thinking. It relates to knowledge and how that knowledge is acquired. As you begin to plan for children in this developmental focus area, consider children’s development of mental abilities, language, memory, creativity, communication, and literacy. The setting that enhances cognitive development is one that provides interesting and relevant opportunities for children to develop their thinking and communication abilities. Play allows the child to think critically---to see, to explore and to reason. The natural curiosity of children directs their interest in solving a problem. The manipulating and exploring of real objects encourages children to discover, to inquire, to remember, to classify, to label, to compare, and to see cause and effect. These are critical thinking skills that emerge when children are allowed to experiment and make meaningful choices. The language or languages a child acquires are the first and most apparent outcome that indicates cognition is developing. The capability to think about ideas and then to communicate those ideas in words is a significant cognitive achievement. Language is the foundation


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