(精选)英语unit 13 Children`s Language Activities课件.ppt

(精选)英语unit 13 Children`s Language Activities课件.ppt

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record: vt. 记录,记载;标明;将...录音 vi. 记录;录音 n. 档案,履历;唱片;最高纪录 adj. 创纪录的 world record:世界纪录 of record:有案可查的 for the record:为正式记录在案目的 on record:记录在案的;公开发表的 write down: 写下;减低帐面价值;把…描写成 Write down when you want to achieve it. 当你想达到某个目标时就写下来。 Young children develop the capability to store and remember ideas and images. This is called recall. 在幼儿期开始发展存储、记忆观点和图像的能力。 这叫做回忆。 capability n. 才能,能力;性能,容量 process capability :加工能力;工序能力 design capability :设计能力 operational capability :运算能力;工作能力;作业能力 resolution capability :分辨本领;分辨能力;分解能力 capability: [,keip?bil?ti] store: [st?:] n. 商店;储备,贮藏;仓库 vt. 贮藏,储存 in store :贮藏着;准备着;将要发生 chain store :连锁商店 recall: [rik?:l, ri:k?:l] vt. 召回;回想起,记起;取消 n. 召回;回忆;撤消 recall from: 从…处召回 recall to mind :回想起,回忆起,记得 recall ratio :查全率,检索率 As you may recall, she had a little sister who was five years old then. 你可能记得,她有一个小妹妹,那时只有五岁。 interactive adj. 互动式, 相互作用的 record vt. 记录, 将…录音 click v. 点击, 使发咔哒声 button n. 按钮 store vt. 储存 image n. 图象, 肖像 converse vi. 谈话, 交谈 identify vt. 识别, 鉴别 approach n. 方法, 途径 Expressions call on 拜访, 要求, 号召 build on 建立于;以…为基础 a wide variety of 多种多样的, 许多的 meet the need of 满足…的需要 Promoting Children’s Language Development To promote children’s language development, teachers must interact with children in the conversation. Conversations that foster interactions call on teachers to use simple sentences and to speak slowly and clearly, varying their tone of voice and the words that they use It is also important to pause between sentences and to use concrete vocabulary by avoiding using the words that describe objects that have a name or label. Children’s communication skills will be facilitated when teachers accept and build on the children’s phrases; follow their topic of interest, and comment more than question. Interactive questioning encourages teachers to make comments that challenge the children to t


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