(精选)欧洲文化入门Europe Culture4 Renaissance and Reformation课件.ppt

(精选)欧洲文化入门Europe Culture4 Renaissance and Reformation课件.ppt

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Europe Culture An Introduction 4;Renaissance and Reformation;I. Introduction: Renaissance literally translates as ‘rebirth’ and it stretches from the 14th to the 17th centuries. In the middle ages the Church reigned supreme due to a lack of strong national government and it is in the renaissance that we see the end of feudal society and social changes that pave the way for the rise of the middle classes in the industrial revolution. Countries grow strong and so do not need to rely on locals to keep control and so we get centralized government. ; In the renaissance humanist thinkers attempted to get rid of the conservative ideas and new ideas developed which also helped pave the way for the industrial revolution. The renaissance began in Florence and Venice with outpourings of art and literature but soon spread to other countries affecting different things. In Italy fine art was the biggest product of the renaissance but in France it was literature and in England philosophy and literature.; 1)Why did the renaissance begin in Italy? i) Urbanisation due to trade…big cities are created such as Venice and Milan which thrive on trade because at the heart of the Mediterranean Italy was in the perfect route for trade from all over Europe to go to Africa and vice versa. ii) This in turn led to new ideas through being in close contact with different cultures particularly the Arabs who had preserved much of the work of ancient Greece;iii) As a result there is a revival of interest in classical learning and new humanist ideas. Humanism = Man is at the centre of the world and not God…man more significant than God hence loss of power by church!!! ;The Rise of Humanism;“What a piece of work is man; how noble in reason; how infinite in faculty, in form and moving how express and admirable; in action how like an angel; in apprehension how like a god!” ? the replacing of God’s significance with that of man. ;iii) Related to this is a belief in the pro


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