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有系统评述发现: ACE Inhibitor 加入ARB 治疗, 比单独使用ACE Inhibitor会减少 该病发病住院率,但对死亡率的 降低无明显差别 危 害 无相关有害证据报道…… 更新:最新研究证据 治疗和预防方面的最新研究证据…… 文献: ARB 与 ACE Inhibitor 混合使用对左心室功能 障碍的副作用…… 临床治疗要点总结 病症介绍 包括:定义, 患病率和发病率,病原,危险因素,预后,治疗目的,效果,方法 连接至国际临床指南(全文) 英国复苏理事会提供的指南 供病人阅读使用的 临床知识和指南 查找证据途径二: 按照系统评述列表查找…… 查找证据途径三: 扩展检索:BMJ journals 扩展检索:PubMed 输入检索词:ace inhibitor and arb Clinical Evidence Helping Clinicians Put Evidence Into Practice 特点 Features: 提供650多个临床问题和3100多种的干预疗法 提供确认的治疗益处与危害 提供了对证据的国际分级系统 对已收录的临床问题每年都进行更新 提供最新的用药安全通报 Thanks for your time and patience! * * There are no doubt hundreds of studies evaluating the effectiveness of treatments for AMI. Before you start wading through them though it is a good idea to see if anyone else has done this work already. This is where secondary resources come in. Secondary Research means sources that summarise, discuss, comment on, Primary Research (for example reviews, editorials, discussion papers). It is worth checking secondary resources first because if someone else has already looked at the same question as you then it will save you spending time and effort – plus the expertise of evaluating studies to find trustworthy evidence. * This is the evidence pyramid designed by Brian Haynes at McMaster University in Canada and it illustrates the evolution of evidence based information systems. You can see primary research at the bottom, then syntheses like Cochrane reviews, followed by synopses and summaries which is where CE fits in and then systems at the top * 血管紧张肽Ⅱ受体拮抗剂(angiotensin receptor blockade,ARB)通过抑制血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)和受体的结合,可产生扩张血管、排钠利尿、抑制交感神经兴奋等作用,在高血压、充血性心力衰竭、肾病等的治疗中发挥重要作用,其作用选择性强,对AngⅡ效应的拮抗作用更完全而不良反应更少,故ARB在治疗心血管疾病等方面的临床应用前景广阔。 * BMJ Clinical Evidence “临床证据”在临床学习和实践中的应用 张 永 iGroup亚太资讯集团 上海办公室   内容概要    Outline 1. 循证医学的概念和特点 2. Clinical Evidence作为循证医学领域权威资源在临床学习和实践中的应用(实例分析) 3. 总结 循证医学解释 What is EBM? “循证医学是慎重、准确和明智地应用当前最佳的研究证据来确定患者的治疗措施”。           Prof. David Sackett , 1996年发表于BMJ “Eviden


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