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Activity book Unit7 Listen and number. Those toys are theirs. That book is hers. That house is his. This house is ours. This bag isn’t mine. Is it yours? This book is mine. Listen and check Hi Mary. Is this ruler yours? No, it isn’t mine. Mine is longer. Bob. This suitcase isn’t ours. Yes, you are right. Ours is bigger Whose backpack is it? It’s Tom’s. And that cap is his, too. Is this John’s desk? Yes, it is. But the bag isn’t his. Listen and match Hi, Jack. Did you have fun with your friend yesterday? Oh, Mom. Wasn’t it at all. But why? Because we all wanted to do different things. Bob wanted to play football. Peter wanted to listen to his new CD. I wanted to see a new movie. And Lucy wanted to watch her favorite TV show. What did you do at last? We did nothing. We just talk together all the morning. Listen and write the missing words This is our new classroom. This classroom is ours. That is their suitcase. The suitcase is theirs Her backpack is on the chair. The backpack on the chair is hers. He went to the airport to meet his friend yesterday. His friend came back from Germany. That bag on the play ground is yours. Go and get it. Listen and check the correct answers. What are mess! Tom. Come in, and get your football. But Mom, it’s Tina’s football. Whose T-shirt is it? It’s hers Whose CDs are those? They’re hers, too. But the shoes aren’t min. They are his. And backpack? That’s Dad’s. Listen and complete Hi, Sandy. Whose MP3 player is it? Is it yours? Let me have a look. No, it is not mine. Ask Peter. I think his. Hi, Peter. Is this yours? Oh, no. Mine is black. I think its Anna’s. Her player is red. Hi, Anna. Is this yours? Oh. It’s mine. Thank you, Amy. 员工录用管理制度 为规范试用期员工的管理和辅导工作,创造良好的试用期工作环境,加速试用员工的成长和进步,特制定目标责任制制度。一、员工试用期规定?1、自员工报到之日起至人力资源部确认转正之日起。?2、员工试用期限为3个月,公司根据试用期员工具体表现提前或推迟转正。(一)、福利待遇?1、试用期员工工资根据所聘的岗位确定,核算时间从到岗工作之日起计算,日工资为:月工资÷(本月天数-休假天数)2、过节费按正式员工的1/2发放。3、按正式员工标准发放劳动保护用品。(二)、休假?1、试用期内累计事假不能超过3天,如果特殊情况超过3天需报董事长批准。?2、可持相关证明请病假,请病假程序和天数与正式员工要样。3、可请丧假,


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