中考英语题型解读与技巧点拨 专题五 单词拼写题解题技巧(无答案).docVIP

中考英语题型解读与技巧点拨 专题五 单词拼写题解题技巧(无答案).doc

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中考英语题型解读与技巧点拨 专题五 单词拼写题解题技巧(无答案)

专题 单词拼写题解题技巧 在中考英语中单词拼写题是个难点,学生不容易掌握。有时学生记单词记得挺熟练,但一旦用到句子中却得分率很低,这就说明学生还不会灵活运用。为了让学生更好地掌握这类题目,我特意把单词按词性进行了分类,把近几年考的题目整理如下,并对词性的不同考点进行了说明。希望同学们在做题中总结规律,找到技巧学会灵活应变。 单词拼写题的命题形式单词拼写题常考题型主要有三种类型 一)、根据句意填词在句子缺词的情况下,弄懂句子的意义是关键。解答此类题时要注意“两个确定”,即“确定单词”和“确定形式”。如: 例1:The ________ day of the week is Sunday. 例2:We should brush our ________ before going to bed. 例3:March 8th is ________ Day. 例4:Thank you very much for ______ me to your birthday party. 例5:She didnt go to school yesterday ________ she was ill. 二)、根据汉语注释填词根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空一词。 例6:“Tom and Jim, do everything by ________ (自己)!” 例7:When visitors ask you the way,youd better tell them ________ (有礼貌地). 例8:There is less water in the river. It is getting ________ (干). 三)、首字母填空题 例9:—When does the library open? —It opens at 8:00 on W________? and at 9:00 on Saturdays and Sundays. 例10:The brother of ones father or mother means u________. 例11:In autumn after a strong wind, the ground is often covered with fallen l____. 例12:What were you doing when the bell rang at the b________ of the class. 例13:Summer is the h________ season of the year. 例14:The more c________ you do your exercises,the fewer mistakes youll make. 例15:The new boy had so many strange questions that his teacher did not u________ him. 例16:Its too hot. Lets go s________ in the river. 例17:Were finishing the second unit. Now lets go on with the t________ one. 方法一:通读全句,确定意思 通读全句,根据前后内容判断该词意思,确保所填单词在逻辑意义上与整个句子一致。例如: Germany and France are E______ countries. 2.A good _______ makes a good ending. 方法二:根据成分或结构,判断词性根据所拼单词在句中作的成分判断其词性。例如: He is a writer of rich ______(想象)。 Darwin based his ideas on _______(科学)experiment. Our teacher has _______ (组织)a class trip to the Great Wall. 方法三:上下兼顾,判断单复数通读全句,根据上下意思判断名词的单复数。例如: The earth is one of the p______. 7.________(电脑) can do all kinds of things now. 方法三:全面考虑,不忘大小写 _________(秋天)comes after summer. Some American children posted some ______ (圣诞)cards to us. 【例题展示】 1. Junk food tastes delicious, but it is


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