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寻梦环游记Dialogue: 就算要我付出..\N? Aunque la vida... ? Dialogue: 不要音乐No music! Dialogue: 我觉得全墨西哥只有我们家不喜欢音乐了I think were the only family in Mexico who hates music. Dialogue: 我家人都觉得 没音乐也没啥问题And my familys fine with that. Dialogue: 但是我But me... Dialogue: 中午早点回来吃饭Be back by lunch, mijo. Dialogue: 午饭前回来哦 米格Be back by lunch, mijo. Dialogue: 好的 妈妈Love you, Mamá! Dialogue: 我可不像他们那样 我就是喜欢音乐Im not like the rest of my family. Dialogue: - 早啊 米格 - 早上好- Hola, Miguel. - Hola. Dialogue: - 我拿一个 谢谢 - 拿吧 米格- Muchas gracias! - De nada, Miguel! Dialogue: 嘿 丹丹He-hey, Dante! Dialogue: 起来Sit. Dialogue: 趴下Down. Dialogue: 翻滚Roll over. Dialogue: 摇一摇Shake. Dialogue: 握拳Fist bump. Dialogue: 聪明的丹丹Good boy, Dante! Dialogue: 我知道 我不应该喜欢音乐的I know, Im not supposed to love music. Dialogue: 但这不能怪我But its not my fault. Dialogue: 要怪他Its his. Dialogue: 歌神德拉库斯Ernesto de la Cruz. Dialogue: 世界上最伟大的音乐家The greatest musician of all time. Dialogue: 正是在这座广场上 年轻的德拉库斯Here in this very plaza, the young Ernesto de la Cruz Dialogue: 迈出了他音乐事业的第一步took his first steps toward becoming Dialogue: 最终成为了墨西哥历史上最受欢迎的歌手the most beloved singer in Mexican history. Dialogue: 他最开始在圣塞西莉亚一点名气都没有He started out a total nobody from Santa Cecilia, like me. Dialogue: 可他一开口唱歌But when he played music, Dialogue: 人们就疯狂的迷上了他he made people fall in love with him. Dialogue: 他还演过电影He starred in movies. Dialogue: 他有最炫酷的吉他He had the coolest guitar. Dialogue: 他还能飞He could fly! Dialogue: 他写的歌也是最棒的And he wrote the best songs. Dialogue: 但我最喜欢的一首是But my all-time favorite is... Dialogue: 请记住我\N? Remember me ? Dialogue: 虽然我要与你们告别\N? Though I have to say goodbye ? Dialogue: 请记住我\N? Remember me ? Dialogue: 不要因此流泪\N? Dont let it make you cry ? Dialogue: 虽然我要离你远去\N? For even if Im far away ? Dialogue: 你住在我心底\N? I hold you in my heart ? Dialogue: 在我们分别的每个夜晚\N? I sing a secret song to you ? Dialogue: 我都会偷偷为你唱一曲《请记住我》\N? Each night we are apart Remember me ? Dialogue: 虽然我要去远方\N? Though I have to travel far ? Dialogue: 请记住我\N? Remember me ? Dialogue: 当你每次听见悲伤的吉他曲\N? Each ti


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