《Unit 5 Our new home课件》小学英语译林版三年级起点四年级上册3331.ppt

《Unit 5 Our new home课件》小学英语译林版三年级起点四年级上册3331.ppt

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《Unit 5 Our new home课件》小学英语译林版三年级起点四年级上册3331

Unit 5 Our new home (Fun time Cartoon time) 南京市陶行知小学 黄辰 Find the bird Let’s sing Find the bird Find the bird Let’s review 请你来复述。可以说一幅图,也可以说几幅图。 Su Hai and Su Yang have a new home... Su Hai’s … are in … Su Yang’s … is in the … Tidy up 出现单数物体,齐声说“is” 出现复数物体,鼓掌并齐声说“are” 考考你的反应力哦~ Tidy up Where ______ a clock? This ______ a chair. This ______ my ball. My dolls ______ on the bed. My firdge ______ in the kitchen. Where ____ my eggs? My books ____ in the bedroom. Where ____ the sofa? ___ your coat in your living room? Your trousers ___ in the bathroom! Where ___ the table? ___ your pencils on the table? ___ your apples in the kitchen? Tidy up Tidy up clock sofa fridge table Su Hai Su Yang’s new home This is … living room kitchen bedroom bathroom Decorate the rooms Can you help them? 能帮助他们布置房间吗? Decorate the rooms 和你的同桌一起布置房间: A: Where is my ...?/ Where are my ...? B: Your ... is/ are ... 1. 问一问 2. 贴一贴 画一画 将物品贴到各个房间,也可以画上一些物品 邀请两位同学上台布置! Decorate the rooms Your turn! 请你来分享! I can make a beautiful design. (我能布置出美丽的房间。) I can find where the things are. (我能找到房间里的物品。) I can share my design with the others. (我能将我的布置设计与他人分享。) Decorate the rooms Find the bird Find the bird What happens to the bird? (小鸟怎么了?) Look guess Watch answer Let’s read 跟读课文。 请模仿正确的语音、语调、语气哦~ Read act Read in roles. 分角色朗读 Act it. 表演 Read together. 小组齐读 Read act Read act I can read it together with my classmates. (我能和同学们一起齐读。) I can read it in roles with my classmates. (我能分角色朗读。) I can act it out with my classmates. (我能将它表演出来。) Bird’s home Welcome to the bird’s home! (欢迎来到小鸟的家) Bird’s home Wow! You have two rooms! A ___________ and a bedroom. Your chairs ______ in the living room. Yes! My ________ is in the living room, too. __________ is your bed? My bed is in my _________. What a beautiful(漂亮的) home! I love your home! Where are bedroom living room table living room are table Where bedroom 1. Show your designs to your parents 向父母介绍


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