《IT职业英语》Unit1 First Day At Work.ppt

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《IT职业英语》Unit1 First Day At Work

IT职业英语 Unit1 First Day at Work Section 1 Reading Introduction to Computer Components Contents Vocabulary What is a computer? The computer, also called a processor, is a electronic device that can interpret and execute programmed, commands for input, output, computation, and logic operations. Key elements in a computer system CPU Central Processing Unit—中央处理器 three main sections: control unit Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) memory section Storage Temporary Random-Access Memory(RAM) permanent floppy disks hard disks CDs DVDs Tapes flash drives input Data can be entered to a computer system for processing (input) via input device. keyboard (for keyed input) microphone (for voice and sound input) point-and-draw device: mouse typical input device : joy-stick, digital camera and scanner output Output device convert output results from the CPU into a form that can be used by people. monitor video display audio speakers printer Exercise 1 True or false 1. ( ) Key elements in a computer system include memory, input devices, and output devices. 2. ( ) Keyboards, mice, input pens, and printers are input devices. 3. ( ) The input/output devices are also called peripheral devices. 4. ( ) CPU can be called the key element of a computer. 5. ( ) The control section can be found in the CPU of a typical PC. Click to edit company slogan . Unit1 First Day at Work Section Two Listening Formal greeting and introductions Tips: Human Resources Manager 人力资源经理 Listening 1 A: Good morning. My name is Kevin. I’m from Creative Software. How do you do? It’s nice to meet you. B: How do you do? I’m pleased to meet you, too. Welcome to IBM. I hope you enjoy your visit. Listening 2 A: Mr. Lin, I’d like you to meet Amy Jin. She’s our Human Resources Manager. B: How do you do, Ms. Jin? C: How do you do, Mr. Lin? B: Nice to meet you. C: It’s nice to meet you, too. Your turn: Try to introduce two of your partners to each other. Unit 1 First Day At Work Section 3 Speaking Speak


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