新编英语语法教程(主编:章正邦) 大学英语语法课件 学生用书 15. The infinitive.ppt

新编英语语法教程(主编:章正邦) 大学英语语法课件 学生用书 15. The infinitive.ppt

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新编英语语法教程(主编:章正邦) 大学英语语法课件 学生用书 15. The infinitive

4.1 Combination of infinitive with adjectives John is easy to teach. John is eager to teach. Look at the following pair of sentences It is easy for somebody to teach John. John is keen on teaching somebody else. Though the two sentences have the same surface structure, their deep structures are distinct from each other. Noam Chomsky: deep structure vs. surface structure Noam Chomsky (born December 7, 1928) is an American linguist, philosopher, political activist, author and lecturer. He is an Institute Professor emeritus and professor emeritus of linguistics at the MIT. He is the first linguist who has ever got his paper published in Science. According to the Arts and Humanities Citation Index in 1992, Chomsky was cited as a source more often than any other living scholar during the 1980–1992 time period, and was the eighth most-cited scholar in any time period. Ranked the ninth is this man The parallels among Three Jewish giants Chomsky is to the modern linguistics what Freud is to modern psychology and Einstein is to the modern physics. An essential reading material in our university library The clothes are easy to wash. Paraphrase the following sentence The clothes wash easily. It is easy to wash the clothes. Make a choice among the four The following statements about the combination of infinitive with adjectives are all correct except ____. A. When the subject of the main clause is also the logical subject of the infinitive, the adjectives occurring in this pattern are all stative adjectives including those showing emotional feelings, good or bad luck, and mental state or personal attitude . B. When the subject of the main clause is the logical object of the infinitive, the adjectives are generally stative adjectives. C. If the subject of the main clause is not the logical subject of the infinitive, the logical subject should be expressed with an introductory “for”. D. The sentence “The coffee is bitter to taste” cannot be t


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