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Para5 Unit 1 词组的学习 Consequently: [k?nsikwentli] 结果,因此,所以。 Noun: consequence 结果,后果 ; 重大,重要 ;自大,神气活现 等。 Adjective: consequent 随之发生的, 因...的结果而起的 。 as a consequence of 由于……的结果 ,因此。 A steady flow of 一系列的;…的稳定流动。 例:1、A steady flow of plans will be taken as an important step to success. 一系列的计划被视为走向成功的重要一步。 2、A steady flow of technology 。 源源不断的技术。 句子的学习 we communicate rapidly through faxes, phone calls or emails rather than through personal contacts, which though pleasant, take longer – especially given our traffic filled streets. 从此句中我们可以得到的一个句式: Sb. do sth. by / through … rather than by / through …, which, though …, … — especially given … 某人是通过······而不是通过······做某事。虽然后者······, 但却······,尤其是考虑到······。 例:I would go to school by bike rather than by bus, which though convenient, is more crowded ,-especially given the crowd in the morning. 我会骑自行车去上学,而不是坐公共汽车,这虽然很方便,但却更拥挤,特别是考虑到在早上的人群。 See pictures about time: See pictures about time: The End ! Thank You ! * Time-Conscious Americans Consequently, we work hard at the task of saving time. We produce a steady flow of labor-saving devices; we communicate rapidly through faxes, phone calls or emails rather than through personal contacts, which though pleasant, take longer – especially given our traffic filled streets. We, therefore ,save most personal visiting for after-work hours or for social weekend gatherings. 因此,我们千方百计地节约时间。我们发明了一系列节省劳力的装置;我们通过发传真、打电话或发电子邮件与他人迅速地进行交流,而不是通过直接接触。虽然面对面接触令人愉快,但却要花更多的时间,尤其是在马路上交通拥挤的时候。因此,我们把大多数个人拜访安排在下班以后的时间里或周末的社交聚会上。 词组的学习


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