Brain changes and drug addiction:大脑的变化和药物成瘾.ppt

Brain changes and drug addiction:大脑的变化和药物成瘾.ppt

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Brain changes and drug addiction:大脑的变化和药物成瘾

Modificazioni cerebrali associate all’utilizzo di droghe Parte I What is drug addiction? UseAbuseAddiction Risk factors Increased risk with early use: The brain is still developing during adolescence ‘Physical vs. psychological dependence?’ PET images of diseased organs Cerebral hemisphere lobes Brain regions, cortical areas and the limbic system Reward system Neurons, synapses and neurotransmitters Drugs act at the synapse Drugs disrupt the reward circuit Methods of administration Effects on behavior Tolerance and dependence Neural mechanisms of addiction Brain changes in addiction Brain regions and functions affected by drugs Most common drugs of abuse Nicotine Actions in the brain Nicotine’s effects Smoking Alcohol Action in the brain Cannabis Cannabis Opioids (Morphine, Heroin) Heroin Heroin Heroin Hallucinogens and club drugs LSD, PCP, Ecstasy Ecstasy acute effects at serotonin synapse Long term effects Psychostimulants Cocaine Long term effects % of Population having tried COCAINE at least once Treatment of addiction Effects of Methamphetamine Websites on drug addiction Europe Slide 4: The synapse and synaptic neurotransmission Describe the synapse and the process of chemical neurotransmission. Indicate how vesicles containing a neurotransmitter, such as dopamine (the stars), move toward the presynaptic membrane as an electrical impulse arrives at the terminal. Describe the process of dopamine release (show how the vesicles fuse with the presynaptic membrane). Once inside the synaptic cleft, the dopamine can bind to specific proteins called dopamine receptors (in blue) on the membrane of a neighboring neuron. Introduce the idea that occupation of receptors by neurotransmitters causes various actions in the cell; activation or inhibition of enzymes, entry or exit of certain ions. State that you will describe how this happens in a few moments. Slide 5: Dopamine neurotransmission Using the close-up of a synapse, continue using dopamine for your example of synap


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