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AcrySof? ReSTOR? (瑞亮) 疏水性丙烯酸酯可折叠一片式渐进衍射型拟调节人工晶体 * AcrySof? ReSTOR? 阶梯渐进衍射型 IOL light goes into both distance and near powers in central region, with gradual blend between powers for larger pupils Apodized Diffractive (12 diffractive zones with a gradual decrease in step heights) Apodized Diffractive 折射与衍射技术相结合 12个衍射环 (central 3.6 mm) 将光线能量同时送至远近焦点 衍射结构可以提供一个+4D的附加度数(+3.2D,31mm) 是阶梯渐进技术(逐渐减小的梯度差)减小光学问题 外侧 2.4 mm折射区,使远视力更好 减小对瞳孔的依赖性 * 阶梯渐进衍射光学面 Apodized Diffractive Optic 1.3 micron step 1.5 mm Original magnification 80 X 3.6mm直径的阶梯渐进衍射区 阶梯高度从1.3微米到0.2微米成精确的阶梯递减 较高的阶梯高度光线到达近焦点 较低的阶梯高度光线到达远焦点 中间部分光线逐渐混合 阶梯间距决定“附加度数”,阶梯高度控制光线分布 是AcrySof? ReSTOR? IOL所特有 * 可调节人工晶体AIOL 1979 Sugitani 人工晶体眼的调节 PAC 显性调节/拟调节力 瞳孔直径 角膜多焦点效应 晶状体移动度 人-前后曲率/厚薄  AIOL-囊带内前后 * * HumanOptics 1CU AIOL 伸缩襻(光襻襻关节)前移-近 四个宽大襻(与囊袋接触面/睫状肌 悬韧带收缩舒张) * Tecnis,开创了功能性视力 * Tecnis Z9000人工晶体 第一个运用波前相差技术 显著减少球面相差 改善功能性视力 * 1.4mm切口人工晶状体 Acri Smart 德国Acri Tec公司 ThinOptx 美国医生 Wayne  调节力注入式-动物试验        泄漏 后发障 * 2020年前  根治可避免盲 人人享有可看见的权力 任重而道远 * * * 谢 谢 * * The 5 zonal refractive lens is similar to the Array There are alternating near and distance zones Light goes through one of these zones to the power of interest, near or distance making the lens pupil dependent * PHYSICIAN’S TRAINING COURSE WITH SPEAKERS NOTES Add agenda info to this slide * The AcrySof ReSTOR, apodized diffractive pseudoaccommodative lens: The ReSTOR lens has far fewer zones than the full optic diffractive, with 12 zones that cover the central 3.6mm diameter region. The diffractive step heights decrease as they move toward the periphery of the lens. This is what provides the apodization properties of the lens and allows the efficient use of light energy. The outer 2.4 mm of the lens is refractive and sends light energy exclusively to the distant focal point. * So if we look at the physical properties of the lens, we see the following: (read slide) The widths of the diffractive zones decrease as you move away from the c


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