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An idea suddenly struck him. His passion carried him astray. Neither sorrow not regret followed my passionate outburst. Memories of that historic and happy occasion still linger. The sight of the orphan always reminds me of his parents. Her illness kept her in hospital for four weeks. The most notable is the further willingness of people to speak their minds. Paula didn’t need any lessons when it comes to office politics. He had left a note of welcome for me, as suny as his face. He is a fool who can not be angry, but he is really a wise man who will not. He was glad because he wouldnt have to send me away without buying anything. Any person leaving litter about instead of putting it in this basket will be liable to a fine of $5. A Brief Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultures Chinese cuisine, intuitive acquisition of the skill through repeated practice, casual mixing of ingredients 中餐厨师学厨艺,并不注重定量描述,而是通过模仿,直觉地把握师傅的烹饪技术。 Western medicine, examine parts of the body through tests and X-rays 西医看病,先给病人胸透、胃透、验血、验尿,分而检之,再作诊断。 C-W Difference in Terms of Architecture Chinese: Curves and circles Closeness to the earth Integration with Nature 中国古典建筑 多曲线美 飞檐反宇 亲近大地 天人合一 Architectural Contrast 建筑艺术对比 线性:刺破苍穹 重视幻想与革新 西方油画注重形似,通过线条、色彩、光线等细节刻意仿真。 Mode of thinking 思维模式 Referring to Western mode of thinking, Qian Xuesen (1986) said: “Abstractive thinking seems to be linear or branch-like. “抽象思维似乎是线型或枝型的。” — 钱学森 Referring to Chinese mode of thinking, Shen Xiaolong (1990) said: “This is a circular dialectic mode of thinking with a strong plastic, flexible and stochastic nature. “这是一种有着极强可塑性、伸张性、随机性的圆式辩证思维方式。” — 申小龙 Mode of thinking 思维模式 西方文化如同直线切划,细分明析,注重抽象推理 ,善长逻辑思维。 Linguistic expression 语言表达 西语的线性特点表现为句子结构以直线枝形铺排,由主到次,递相迭加,犹如枝繁叶茂的大树。 西语的线性特点表现为句子结构以直线枝形铺排,由主到次,递相迭加,犹如枝繁叶茂的大树。 English tree-like sentence structure英语的线性树式句子结构 Trunk line: S + V + (O) 主干线:主语+谓语+(宾语) Branches and sub-branches : Adverbial


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