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地球信息传感器原理与应用地球物理勘探仪器中主要用了什么传感器?这些传感器主要基于什么原理?答案一:Magnetic sensor,原理:就是把磁场、电流、应力应变、温度、光等引起敏感元件磁性能的变化信号转换成电信号,以这种方式来检测相应物理量。Gravity sensor, 原理:由于加速度产生某个介质产生变形,通过测量其变形量并用相关电路转化成电压输出。Electrode sensor,原理:An electrode sensor for a biomedical electrode of the button type comprises a plastic base which consists of a shank to be clinched to fill up the cavity of an expanded hollow head of an electrode button and a base flange formed in one piece of the shank, and an electrically conductive film formed over the plastic base. The flange is bowl-shaped with a gradual upward inclination from the center toward the periphery. The flange has a plurality of projections or grooves formed on at least either its upper or under side.Geophone sensor,原理:A method and apparatus for gathering a geophone sensor string is provided. The geophone sensor string comprises individual sensors for sensing motion of the earth, an interconnecting cable and ring members . A line is secured to a ring member at one end of the geophone sensor string. The line is passed through the remaining ring members on the geophone sensor string and extends through the ring member adjacent the opposite end of the geophone sensor string. Drawing the line in the direction of the arrow lifts the sensors off the ground and gathers the sensors and interconnecting cable in an untangled and compact form for storage. The technique of the present invention is adapted for use with vehicles to eliminate manual labor.答案二:主要的地球物理传感器有磁传感器,重力传感器,电极式传感器,地震检波器等。磁传感器:是把磁场、电流、应力应变、温度、光等引起敏感元件磁性能的变化转换成电信号,以这种方式来检测相应物理量的器件,根据永久磁铁与地磁场之间相互力矩作用原理,或利用感应线圈以及辅助机械装置制作而成。重力传感器:是根据压电效应的原理来工作的。所谓的压电效应就是 “对于不存在对称中心的异极晶体加在晶体上的外力除了使晶体发生形变以外,还将改变晶体的极化状态,在晶体内部建立电场,这种由于机械力作用使介质发生极化的现象称为正压电效应 ”。电极式传感器:利用金属浸于电解质溶液中,显示出电的效应,根据地壳中各类岩石或矿体的电磁学性质和电化学特性的差异,观测和研究人工或天然电场、电磁场或电化学场的空间分布规律和时间特性。地震检波器:当地震波到达地面引起机械振动时,线圈对磁铁作相对运动而切割磁力线,根据电磁感应原理,线圈中产生感生电动势,地震检波器即是将地面振动转变为电信号的传感器,或者说是将机械能转化为电能的能量转换装置。答案三:地球物理勘探主要用到的传感器主要有以下几种:①电场传感器②电磁感应传感器 ③磁传感器 ④重力传感器 ⑤加速度传感器。原理:其中


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