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Lean Six Sigma Fundamentals Training Classroom Logistics Safety Exit routes and emergency procedures of the facility Safety hazards Logistics Location of restrooms, soda machines, LAN access, etc. Courtesy and Respect Turn off all cell phones and computers during class Be engaged and participative TRAINING Objectives To provide participants with an awareness of: Lean Six Sigma Lean Six Sigma Principles Kaizen Events Lean Six Sigma (LSS) A systematic approach of identifying and eliminating non-value-added activities through continuous improvement. Built on the premise that the lowest cost and highest velocity is achieved when quality is at it’s highest. This includes quality of all business processes and services, not simply product quality. It maximizes employee involvement to solve problems and improve processes. Relentless focus on elimination of waste and creating greater customer value. Lean Six Sigma (LSS) Why Lean Six Sigma (LSS)? LSS focuses on customer value keeping us competitive in the long-term horizon. Effective LSS initiatives empower employees and build trust within the company. LSS provides a common sense approach to continuous improvement that focuses on waste elimination. LSS extends beyond manufacturing and is applied to all processes or functions. A successful LSS journey will have significant impact on an organization’s performance. Potential Impact of Lean Six Sigma Inventory Reductions 10-50% Free Up Floor Space 10-50% Increase Turns 30-100+% Productivity Gains 12-50% Lead Times Cut 30-70% Product Cycle Reduced 15-40% Benefits of Lean Six Sigma Eliminate waste daily Learn by doing Encourage innovation – keep stretch goals Work toward zero defects Know and show baseline / current measurements Drive step function improvements Continuously improve daily Involve people early Employee Expectations Participate on LSS project teams Participate business processes Follow pate in creation and/or deployment of common and support the company’s


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