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用 于 心 外 膜 标 测 的 心 房 电 活 动 三 维 显 示 技 术A b stra c tA tria l fib rillatio n (A F ) is on e o f th e m o st co m m o n tachy arrh yth m ia.A s th e ag ing o f p opu latio n , m ore p eop le are sufferin g from A F .A F has greatly affected th e life of the p atien t and h as b ro u g ht great eco n o m ic b u rd en to ou r so ciety. H o w ev er, the electrop hy sio logy m echan ism of A F is stiil u nk n ow n . C u rrent p harm acotherapy has u n satisfactory treatin g affect, w h ile R F ab latio n su rg ery h as certa in risk s and cann ot treat th e d isease th oro ugh ly. T herefore, it h as great clin ical m ean in g to w ork out the electrop hy sio logy m echan ism of A F .R e search on electro p h y sio lo gy m ech an ism o f A F can b e d ated b ack to the b eg inn ing of last century. E lectrop hy sio logy m app in g techno lo gy h as help ed the d ev elop m ent o f th e th eory . A s o ne o f the m o st im p ortant card iac electro phy sio lo gy research m eth od, ep icard ial m app ing is co nd ucive to exp lain th e hap p en ing, m ain tain in g an d d isap p earin g o f co m p licated arrhyth m ia. T he m u ltich ann el d isp lay m eth od is used to b e th e m o st co m m o n m eth o d , b ut sin ce th e in creasing of th e n u m b er of electro d es, it can n ot fu lfill the d isp lay d em an d . T h e research o bject of th is d issertation is to d esign a th ree-d im en sion al d isp lay m etho d for ep icard ial m app in g, so th at the electric p o tential d ata can b e sh ow n faster an d m ore v iv id ly . T h e u ltim ate a im is to h elp th e research o f A F .T h is d issertatio n d esig n s a three-d im ensio n a l d isp lay so ftw are . F irstly, b u ild up th e three-d im en sio nal card iac m od el based on com p u ted tom o grap hy (C T ) d ata. S econd ly, in terp o late the potential d ata co llected from an ep icard ial m app ing system into the 3D m o de l b y u sin g K rig in g interp o latio n alg
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