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Week Three Diplomatic Principles and Norms 外交原则与惯例 1 外交原则Diplomatic Principles 主权平等Equal Sovereignty 互不干涉内政Non-interference of each other’s internal affairs 和平解决国际争端 Peaceful resolution of international disputes 和平共处五项原则 Mutual respect for each other’s Sovereignty and territorial integrity相互尊重主权和领土完整 Nonaggression互不侵犯 Noninterference in each other’s internal affairs互不干涉内政 Equality and mutual benefit平等互利 Peaceful co-existence 和平共处 讨论题 主权平等与大国的特殊责任 对一国内部事务是否存在良性干预或恶性干预之分? 中国是否应该向联合国维和行动派出战斗部队? 2 外交关系Diplomatic Relations 2.1 外交承认Diplomatic Recognition Recognition of a new state承认一个新国家 Recognition of a new government承认一个旧国家的新政府 Non-recognition不承认 How to recognize? 如何承认 2 Diplomatic Relations 2.2 Establishing Diplomatic Relations Recognition and establishment of diplomatic relations(承认与建交) Recognition, then establishment先相互承认,再建交 Recognition amid establishment承认和建交同时进行 Recognition without establishment承认但不建交 Quasi-establishment of Diplomatic Relations(准建交,事实上承认) Semi -establishment of Diplomatic Relations(半建交) 2 Diplomatic Relations 2.3 新中国在承认与建交问题上的理论创新 坚持对中华人民共和国的承认,是对新政府而非对新国家的承认。 坚持相互承认原则 提出“逆条件承认”原则。 即凡欲承认并愿与中华人民共和国建立外交关系的国家,必须承认:只有一个中国;中华人民共和国中央人民政府是中国唯一合法政府,台湾是中国的一部分;同台湾断绝一切官方关系。 毛主席在党的七届二中全会上曾指出:“我们是愿按平等原则同一切国家建立外交关系,但是从来敌视中国人民的帝国主义绝不会很快地就以平等的态度对待我们,只要一天他们不改变敌视的态度,我们就不给帝国主义国家在中国以合法的地位”。 3 特权与豁免Privileges and Immunities 3.1三种理论The theories 外交代表机构及其人员在接受国所享有的特殊权利和管辖豁免 The “representative character” theory(代表性说) during the renaissance period, “each prince considered his ambassador as his his personal agent, and each prince considered an insult to his agent as an insult to his personal dignity”. 外交代表是派出国主权者的化身 immunity to the sovereign should extend to his representative 主权者所享有的豁免应扩展至其外交代表 Example: British people arrested Andrew Artemonavitz Mattueoff, the Russian Ambassador to England in 1707, for debt. The Tsar considered the incident to have been a personal insult to his honor and demanded the death penalty for those individuals who carried out the ar


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