苏教译林版四年级上册英语课件 Unit5 Our new home 1.pptVIP

苏教译林版四年级上册英语课件 Unit5 Our new home 1.ppt

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苏教译林版四年级上册英语课件 Unit5 Our new home 1

看动画,把单词序号填在正确的房间里哦 e. d. a. c. b. 和同桌讨论一下 Where is the …? It’s in/ on / under… . Where are the …? They are … Clock , clock , where’s my clock ? Kitchen, kitchen , it’s in the kitchen . Cars , cars , where’re my cars ? Living room ,living room , They’re in the living room . 恭喜大家,已经得到自己的房子了,但里面还需要装修,你能为他们设计漂亮的房子吗? Tips : 1、四人小组共同设计房子,可以使用老师给你的图片,也可以动手画。 2、然后四人共同向大家展示你们漂亮的房子,一个人介绍一个房间。 Use these sentences: This is my home. I have …in my home. I have …in the living room. I have …in the bedroom. … I like my home . This is my home. I have a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, and a bathroom in my home. I have a table , a sofa and a TV in the living room. I have a clock in the bedroom. I have a fridge in the kitchen. I have a bathtub(浴缸)and a washbasin(面盆) in the bathroom. I like my home . Kinds of houses We should love our home , love life , concerned about everyone around you . 我们要爱我们的家,热爱生活, 关心身边的每一个人! 1. Draw your home on P34 and talk about it. 画一画自己的家,并试着编一个对话和你的小伙伴说说你的家。 2.Listen to the tape, try to recite and Act Cartoon time with your friends. 听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读动画并尝试背诵,并与同学演一演。 Goodbye! THANK YOU! Sam:How are you? Bird:I'm hungry. Sam:Would you like an orange? Bird:No. Bobby:What about a hot dog? Bobby:Here you are. Sam:What would you like? Bird:I 'd like that. Bird:No. Bird:Thank you. Read time. 插入课文分句录音 Use these sentences: This is my home. I have …in my home. I have …in the living room. I have …in the bedroom. … I like my home . The ______is in the __________. The ______is in the __________. The _______are in the ____________. bag bedroom cap kitchen skirts livingroom fridge kitchen table living room Can you help us ? Watch and answer. 1.What would the bird like? Watch the cartoon and answer Watch and answer. 1.What would the bird like? A. a hot dog B an orange C worm (虫子) Give a name to the story.给故事起个名字 A: A lovely bird. B: A crying(哭


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