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程 序 文 件 Procedure Document 重庆英特空调有限公司 Air International Chongqing Co., Ltd. 文件名称:不合格品控制程序 Doc Name: Unacceptable Product Control Procedure 版次 Version 页次 Page 发行日期 Release Date 文件编号Doc No:AICQ/QP-1301 B/0 PAGE 8 -7 2003-01-10 PAGE 8 1 目的Objective 对原材料、协配件、半成品、成品的不合格品及可疑产品严格控制,防止不合格品的非预期使用转序和出厂,确保产品质量受到控制。 The objective of this procedure is to avoid the unexpected use, alternation and ex-factory of unacceptable products through strict quality control over raw materials, accessory parts, semi-finished product and finished products. 2 适用范围Applicable Scope 适用于经检验和试验后判定为不合格的原材料、协配件、半成品、成品和可疑产品的控制和处理。 This is applicable to the control and disposal of the raw materials, accessory parts, semi-finished product and finished products that are confirmed to be unacceptable through inspection and test. 3 职责Responsibility 3.1 质量部负责原材料、协配件、自制件,半成品、成品的检验和判定。负责组织不合格品和可疑产品的处置。监督不合格品的纠正预防措施的实施。 The Quality Department is responsible to inspect and confirm the raw materials, accessory parts, self-made parts, semi-finished products and finished products, to organize to handle unqualified products and questionable products, and to supervise the implementation of corrective and preventative actions towards unacceptable products. 3.2 采购物流部负责不合格的原材料、协配件的处置方案的执行。 The Purchase Logistics Department is responsible to implement the disposal programs of unacceptable raw materials and accessory parts. 3.3 制造部负责不合格半成品、成品的处置方案的执行 The Manufacture Engineering Department is responsible to implement the disposal programs of unacceptable semi-finished and finished products. 3.4 技术工程部参与不合格品的评审,提出合理有效的处置方案。 The Engineering Technical Department shall participate in the appraisal and examination of unacceptable products and propose appropriate disposal programs. 3.5 重不合格品和致命不合格品处置需由副总经理对提出的处理方案进行审批。 The disposal programs for sev


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