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Chapter Outline History and Contemporary Behavior Why do the Japanese have such strong loyalty toward their companies? Historically, loyalty and service, a sense of responsibility, and respect for discipline, training , and artistry were stressed to maintain stability and order. Confucian philosophy, taught throughout Japan’s history, emphasizes the basic virtue of loyalty “of friend to friend, of wife to husband, of child to parent, of brother to brother, but, above all, of subject to lord”, that is to country. A historical perspective helps prepare an international marketer for many of the cultural differences that often cause misunderstandings and in many cases. While a marketer may not be able to change a persons attitude or behavior, if you have an historical perspective of why they react as they do, you can gain insights that can possibly make it easier to adapt your strategies for a successful outcome. (adaptation) Cases:Microsoft adapts Encarta to local history Microsoft adapts Encarta to local history Adapting product to the local culture is an important strategy for many products. Understanding a countrys history helps to achieve that goal. Microsoft has nine different editions reflecting local “history” in order to be sure that its Encarta multimedia encyclopedia on CD-ROM does not contain cultural blunders(big mistakes). 3.2 a Topography 3.2a Climate and Topography Altitude, humidity, and temperature extremes are climatic features that can affect the uses and functions of products and equipment. Physical barriers ( mountains rivers etc) affect the country’s economic growth and ability to trade. The effect of these geographic features on marketing ranges from the obvious influences on product adaptation to more profound influences on the development of marketing systems. @Climate can affect products (product adaptation) Because the sun does not shine regularly in Germany, washing machines must feature a minimum spin cycle of 1,000 rpm and a maxim


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