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曲靖师范学院 本科生毕业论文 论文题目: 全等三角形的证明在初中数学中的应用 作者、学号:李发蝌 2011111233 学院、年级:数学与信息科学学院 2011级 学科、专业:数学 数学与应用数学 指 导 教 师:罗红英 完 成 日 期:2015年5月20日 曲靖师范学院教务处 全等三角形的证明在初中数学中的应用 摘 要 “全等三角形的证明”是在初中数学平面几何中占重要内容之一,是研究图形性质的基础,而且在近几年的中考中都有出现,新课标的要求是“探索并掌握两个三角形全等的条件”,因此掌握三角形全等的证明及运用方法对初中生来说至关重要。其证明方法繁多,技巧性强,有一定的通法,所以研究范围极广,难度极大.论文整理和归纳了全等三角形证明的步骤及其注意事项,分别列举了几种常用的全等三角形的证明方法,让每一种方法兼有理论与实践性.旨在使学生对全等三角形证明及其应用问题有一个较为深入的了解,进而在解决相关全等三角形问题时能融会贯通、举一反三,达到事半功倍的效果,同时为从事教育的工作者提供参考. 关键词:全等三角形;初中数学;方法;应用 Prove congruent triangles used in in junior high school mathematics Abstract:“Entire and so on the triangle proofs” are account for one of important contents in the junior middle school mathematics plane geometry, is studies the graph nature the foundation, moreover tests in recent years all has the appearance, the new class sign request is “explores and grasps two triangles entire and so on the condition”, therefore the grasping triangle entire and so on the proof and said since birth using the method to the junior middle school very important.Its proof method is many, skillful, has certainly certainly passes the law, therefore the research scope is extremely broad, the difficulty is enormous. The paper reorganized and has induced entire and so on the triangle proof steps and the matters needing attention, has enumerated several kinds separately commonly used entire and so on the triangle proof methods, let each method have at the same time the theory and the practicality. Is for the purpose of making the student to entire and so on the triangles to prove and the application question has a more thorough understanding, then is connected entire when the solution and so on the triangle questions can achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of a subject, extrapolate, achieved the twice the result with half the effort effect, simultaneously for the worker who is engaged in the education provides the reference. Key word: Entire and so on triangles; Junior middle school mathematics; Method



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