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After-5.useful-4 17. a harmonious cooperation 18. a living standard 19. a(n) main/essential characteristic 20. diverse races and cultures 融洽的合作 生活水准 主要特征 不同种族和文化 Useful Expressions Antonyms and synonyms in the text More to come: 衰落之地 兴衰 列强 经久不衰的印象 广袤的地区 重蹈历史覆辙 我有种感觉 与…相融合 通讯技术 空前的繁荣 没有先例 文化多元化 a place in decline rise and fall Great Powers enduring impressions vast regions/areas follow historical precedents I have a sense that… merge/fuse/mix/unite with… communication technology unprecedented prosperity There’s no previous example/precedent cultural pluralism 总体/普遍趋势 高科技园 劳力 张贴招工广告 时间观念 停滞不前的社会 露面 共同目标 从全球角度来看 在文化意义上 和谐的合作 生活水准 主要特色 社会流动性 不同的种族和文化 general tendency high-tech parks work force post employment notices concept/conception of time a stagnant/paralyzed society show/turn up common aim from a global perspective in a cultural sense harmonious cooperation a living standard a main/essential characteristic social mobility diverse races and cultures Unit 5: useful expressions After-1.useful-1 Useful Expressions 1.耸耸肩 2.自大 3.让某人大吃一惊 4.听某人亲口讲述 5.衣着整洁素雅 shrug one’s shoulders great vanity give sb. a great surprise from one’s own lips be neatly and quietly dressed After-1.useful-2 6.合乎某人的年龄和身份 7.玩桥牌 8.和睦恩爱的一家人 9.年轻时 in accordance with one’s age and station play bridge a united and affectionate family in one’s youth nod a greeting Useful Expressions 10. 点头致意 After-1.useful-3 11.对…有一种本能 12.两颊白里透红 13.和善地咯咯一笑 14.勉强地/欣然地 15.一文不名 have an instinct about … pink-and-white cheeks give a kindly chuckle with a bad/good grace go broke Useful Expressions After-1.useful-4 16.穷困潦倒 17.自杀 18.由于 19.吃一惊 20.身体状况不好/好 be down and out commit suicide on account of be taken aback in bad/good condition Useful Expressions After-1.useful-5 21.祝某人好运 22.临阵脱逃 23.喝酒作乐把身体搞垮 24.对付不了 wish sb. good luck funk it at the last moment ruin one’s constitution by drink and dissipation more than one can manage Useful Expressions Unit 6 useful expressions After-1.useful-1 Useful Expressions 1. 吞噬 2. 困于交通堵塞 3.


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