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高尔基说过,在自然剥夺了人类用四肢走路的本领时,它就给予他一根拐杖,那就是理想。而霍金无疑为这句话做了最完美的诠释。 他以瘦弱之躯挑战生理极限的勇气以及霍金式的顽皮笑容都向世人证明了:他赢了! 11岁的李月,来自北川,她是一个酷爱芭蕾的女孩,她在汶川大地震中失去了左腿,她不想让舞蹈的梦想屈从于残酷的命运,她得到了人们的帮助,她终于在全世界面前,重新起舞…… 《永不停止的舞步》是中国残疾人艺术团所有聋人来表演的。 10岁时因为意外触电而失去了双臂 ,19岁时,他开始学习用双脚弹钢琴 ;那段时间,刘伟每天练琴7小时,一年内就达到了钢琴7级的水平。2006年,他加入了北京市残疾人艺术团,并开始了音乐创作。 “我的人生只有两条路,要么赶紧死,要么精彩地活着。” “如果没有生命,就什么都没有了。” 邰丽华, 29岁(2005),中国残疾人艺术团舞蹈演员,中国特殊艺术协会副主席。2005年春节晚会上带领 21位聋哑演员表演舞蹈《千手观音》。 “他们的舞蹈完美的让人忘记了身体的残缺。”舞台上翟孝伟永远扮演着马丽的右臂,而马丽则是他的左腿。 The problems he has to deal with. How his life has become easier. An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease. How his disability developed. The advantages of his disease. 1. make my annoyed 使我生气 2. all in all 总而言之 3. computer programming 电脑编程 4. computer software 电脑软件 5. sit around 闲坐着 6. as well as 除了……之外 7. parrot 鹦鹉 8. a tank full of fish and tortoise 一缸金鱼和乌龟 9. in many ways 在很多方面 10. psychologically 心理上 11. live a normal life 过正常的生活 12. feel sorry for sb. 对某人感到羞愧/抱歉 13. make fun of 取笑 14. encouragement 鼓励 15. live a rich and full life 过着丰富多彩而充实美满的生活 5).He developed his muscle disease_____. A. when he was a little boy C. when he was swimming D. when he was playing 3 What kind of thing does Marty do in order to make his life happy and satisfying? 4 What can other people do to help Marty and others like him live a good life? Because they found that Marty was able to live as rich and full a life as everyone else. Homework Retell Marty’s story with about 30 words or translate the following passage into English: 马蒂是一个残疾的孩子,但是他有着积极的生活态度。他从来不为他的残疾而感到羞愧,相反,他努力使自己和别人一样独立。他过着充实的生活。 Marty keeps busy doing things that do not require physical strength, like computer programming. He has friends with whom he can go to movies and football matches and he has lots of pets. He also studies hard. They can accept people with disabilities like Marty for who they are rather than focus on their disability. They can encourage them to live rich and full lives. 5



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