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烟草培土、起垄机功能结构设计 摘要 农业,作为民生之本,农业的发展被看作人类发展的重要标志之一。从最开始的刀耕火种发展到半机械化阶段再到基本机械化现在已基本进入综合机械化阶段,向着机械自动化发展。为了加快农业机械化的推广力度,提高劳动效率,增加农户的收益,特别是一些地形起伏,山高坡陡,耕地分散,只有少数坝区适宜大型机械耕作的地区。我国政府机构出台了一系列政策措施提升农业机械化水平。由于国家加强对农业的重视力度,我国农业机械化水平也成为政府关注的重点。烟草作为我国农业经济的一大支柱,更是重中之重。响应中央号召,加快农业机械化的进度,通过对已有机型的实验,分析以及经济方面的考虑,综合设计一款小型培土、起垄机械。首先,进行了已有机型的实验,分析。接着正式进入设计,分为开题报告、方案的确定、传动比的分配、数据的计算,校核、带轮的设计、变速器的设计、链传动的设计、说明书的编写和画图。经过一系列的设计计算,对材料的选择,方案的优化设计出一款轻巧灵活,拆装方便,易于操作且经济实惠,适宜在边远山区、丘陵、山坡地耕作的小型培土、起垄机械。 关键词: abstract Agriculture, as the peoples livelihood, one of the important symbol of agricultural development is seen as human development. From the beginning of the slash-and-burn cultivation to half mechanization stage to the fundamental mechanical has now entered the comprehensive mechanized stage, to the mechanical automation development. In order to speed up the promotion of agricultural mechanization, improve the work efficiency, increase the income of the farmers, especially some terrain, high mountains and steep slope, farmland dispersed, only a minority of the appropriate large machinery farming area. Chinas government introduced a series of policies and measures to enhance the level of agricultural mechanization. Because of strengthening the national agricultural intensified, the level of Agricultural Mechanization in China has also become the focus of the government. Tobacco as a pillar of Chinas agricultural economy, is the priority among priorities. In response to the call, accelerate agricultural mechanization process, based on the existing models of experiment, analysis and economic considerations, the comprehensive design of a small hill, ridge forming machine. First of all, the existing model experiment, analysis. Then officially entered into the design, proposal, scheme, distribution, transmission ratio calculation, checking, pulley design, transmission design, chain drive design, specification and drawing. After a series of design calculation, the choice of materials, the optimiz



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