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Along? with the advan?ce of the socie?ty more and more probl?ems are broug?ht to our atten?tion, one of which? is that.... 随着社会的?不断发展,出现了越来?越多的问题?,其中之一便?是____?_____?___。 As to wheth?er it is a bless?ing or a curse?, howev?er, peopl?e take diffe?rent attit?udes. 然而,对于此类问?题,人们持不同?的看法。(Hold diffe?rent attit?udes 持不同的看?;Come up with diffe?rent attit?udes 有不同的看?法) As socie?ty devel?ops, peopl?e are attac?hing much impor?tance? to.... 随着社会的?发展,人们开始关?注............ Peopl?e are attac?hing more and more impor?tance? to the inter?view durin?g job hunti?ng 求职的过程?中,人们慢慢意?识到面试的?重要性。 As to wheth?er it is worth?while? ....., there? is a long-runni?ng contr?overs?ial debat?e. It is quite? natur?al that peopl?e from diffe?rent backg?round?s may have diver?gent attit?udes towar?ds it. 关于是否值?得____?_____?__的问题?,一直以来争?论不休。当然,不同的人对?此可能持不?同的观点。 In the proce?ss of moder?n urban? devel?opmen?t, we often? find ourse?lves in a dilem?ma. 在都市的发?展中,我们往往会?陷入困境。 Recen?tly the pheno?menon? has arous?ed wide conce?rn, some peopl?e are in alarm? that.... 最近,这种现象引?起了人们的?广泛关注,有人开始担?心____?_____?_____?。 The human? race has enter?ed a compl?etely? new stage? in its histo?ry, with the incre?asing?ly rapid? econo?mic globa?lizat?ion and urban?izati?on, more probl?ems are broug?ht to our atten?tion. 人类进入了?一个历史的?崭新的阶段?,经济全球化?、都市化的速?度不断加快?,随之给我们?带来了很多?问题。 ...... plays? such an impor?tant role that it unden?iably? becom?es the bigge?st conce?rn of the prese?nt world?, there? comes? a quest?ion, is it a bless?ing or a curse?? _____?__显得非?常重要而成?为当今世界?所关注的最?大的问题,这是无可厚?非的。不过,问题是:我们该如何?抉择? Now we are enter?ing a new era, full of oppor?tunit?ies and chall?enges?, 现在我们正?在进入一个?充满机会和?挑战的新时?代。 展现问题篇?   问题的常用?词:quest?ion, probl?em, issue?   Recen?tly, the issue? of ...... has been broug?ht into publi?c focus?. 近来,_____?__的问题?引起了社会?的广泛关注?。   Now we are enter?ing a brand? new era full of oppor?tunit?ies and innov?ation?s, and great? chang?es have taken? place? in peopl?es attit?ude towar?ds some tradi?tiona?l pract?ice. 现在


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