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一堂Project课的案例分析    一.课型:Project。?   本堂课是江苏省教育学会年会的现场观摩课。?   二.教材分析:?   本课内容:《牛津高中英语》Module 6 Unit 2 Project:Making a happiness handbook。文章有两篇短文组成,分别描述老人与孩子的快乐,要求学生在阅读文章并理清框架结构的基础上,描写自己最快乐的一次经历或写出自己对快乐的理解,然后以小组为单位制作快乐手册。Project课型的设计就是要学生运用在本单元中学到的内容来完成某一项任务,以巩固所学的知识。这充分体现了让学生在做中学的教学理念。?   三.学情分析:?   授课班级是一个30名学生的小班,师生彼此都非常了解,关系很融洽。该班为理科班,学生思维较活跃,表现欲望很强,而且有很强的团队合作精神,但是英语基础并不是很好。?   四.教学过程:?   课前:将全班分为6个组,教师将G1,G2,…G6写在黑板上,并说明规则 Whenever you answer the question correctly, Ill give your group one point. Lets see which group will win the competition in the end.?   学生观看一些欢笑快乐的场面,同时有欢快的音乐作为背景。?   Step 1 Lead-in?   1. Some pictures about people who are happy and beautiful music for students to enjoy.?   2. T:What do people around the world think of happiness? Lets search for the answers on the Internet. ?   3. T: What is happiness to you? (T asks two to three students to express their opinions.)?   Step 2 Fast reading ?   Skim the two passages and answer two questions.?   1. Is the writer a teenager or an adult??   2. What time does the writer consider the happiest in his/her life??    Passage 1: An adult.?    The golden days at school.?   Passage 2: A teenager.?    The future days.?   Step 3 Detailed reading?   Passage 1: Find out why the writer thinks the school days were happy.?   Passage 2: Fill in the blanks in the table according to the passage.?      Step 4 Structure of the passages?    Opinion - Reasons - Conclusion ?   Step 5 Group work?    Planning: What is a handbook? ?   Show the teachers own e-handbook of happiness.?    Students decide different roles in the groups. (one leader/designer; two writers; one painter and one journalist who will go to interview some of the guests about the happiest things in their lives.)?   Preparing: Group members share the happiest things in their lives. ?   Producing: Four members make the happiness handbooks while the journalist goes to interview the guests about their happiest things.?   Prese


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