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ORGANIC SUBSTITUENT GROUPS AND RING SYSTEMS he irst part of this table lists substituent groups and their line by systematic rules (e.g., methyl from methane, ethyl from eth- formulas. A substituent group is deined by IUPAC as a group ane, etc.) are included here only for the irst few members of a that replaces one or more hydrogen atoms attached to a parent homologous series. structure. Such groups are sometimes called radicals, but IUPAC In the second part of the table a number of common organic now reserves the term radical for a free molecular species with ring compounds are shown, with the conventional numbering of unpaired electrons. IUPAC does not recommend some of these the ring positions indicated. names, which are marked here with asterisks (e.g., amyl*), but he help of Warren H. Powell in preparing this table is greatly s l they are included in this list because they are often encountered appreciated. Pertinent references may be found in the table o b in the older literature. Substituent group names that are formed “Nomenclature for Chemical Compounds.” m


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