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1、高英语听说训练模拟题录像原文: The most important thing I can say to you is never doubt yourself. No matter what people say, never doubt yourself. If you believe in yourself you will succeed far more often than you will fail. He who possesses a quiet kind of faith in his ability to perform a task already has the task half completed.  We are not mechanically precise machines; we have shortcomings, but we are capable of achieving amazing things. There is more fight within us than we know, and far more potential than we could ever call forth or even dream of being possible. 分析:这是口语能力要求的基础部分,这段词的短文配有视频和录音两次带读,考查的重点在语音语调和流利程度方面。 中文翻译: 我能告诉你最重要的事情是——永远不要怀疑自己。不管别人怎么说,永远不要怀疑自己。如果你相信自己,你获得成功的几率将远胜失败的可能性。坚信自己有能力完成任务的人,已经成功了一半。 我们不是设计精准的机器,我们都有缺点,但我们有着实现奇迹的能力。我们的斗志比已知的更多,我们的潜力远远超过我们使用甚至相象之所及! PART B:Role Play 角色:Anna情景:。 任务:(1)向Anna提问;(2)mascot 吉祥物;IOC (International Olympic Committee) 国际奥委会constitute 成立 录像原文: Anna: I see that there are Olympic mascots in your car. Taxi driver: Yes. I am very interested in the Olympic Games. Anna: Me, too. I want to be a volunteer for 2008 Beijing Olympics. Taxi driver: That’s cool. Care for a little quiz on that? Anna: No problem. I’m an “Olympic expert”. Taxi driver: Here we go. First, can you tell me something about the ancient Olympics? Anna: The ancient Olympics originated in ancient Greece. Taxi driver: Good. Why do people name it Olympics? Anna: They name it after the place where it was first held. Taxi driver: What is the official language of the IOC? Anna: This question is a piece of cake. French and English. Taxi driver: When was the international Olympic Committee constituted? Anna: On 23rd June 1894. 1. Please get ready to ask three questions in English according to the following Chinese tips. 1) Please get ready to ask the first question in English. 中文呈现:奥林匹克的标志是什么?The Olympic symbol is the five interlocking rings which represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of the athletes of the world at the Olympic Games. (2) Ple


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