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lesson42中学英语任务型教学案例 设计教师:吕琼香?? ????教学年级:初一 Step1:Leading-in 1.??????? Sing a song”If you’re happy” 2.??????? Do a duty report. 3.??????? Play a guessing game:show a bag and say:There are some objects in the bag.Can you guess what’s in the bag?”Have the students guess it . Step 2:Pre-task Task1:Learn and say Activity1:Presentation 1.??????? Show two purses and ask: What are these?” present the word “purse”。 2.??????? Have the students talk something about the purse. Activity2:Competetion “Find the owner” 1.??????? Say:They are not my purses.I pick them at the door of the classroom just now .But I can’t find the owners.Who can help me find the owners? 2.??????? Get two students to find the owners.They must ask: “What’s in your purse?”If someone identifies them. Step 3:While –task Say:...and…find their purses, but Emma can’t find hers. So today let’s turn to our new lesson, Lesson 42. Let’s help Emma find her purse. Task2:have the students listen to the tape then answer the following questions: 1.??????? What’s in Emma’s purse? 2.??????? Who helps Emma find the purse? 3.??????? How much money is in the purse? 4.??????? What color is the purse? 5.??????? Can Emma find the purse at last?Where does she find her purse? ? Activity 2:Sloving problems 1.??????? Have the students read the dialogues in pairs. 2.??????? Find out the difficult language points in Part1 and solve them in groups. 3.??????? The whole class read Part1 together,then get two pairs to act it out. 4.??????? Find out the difficult language points in part2 and discuss them in groups. 5.??????? The whole class read part2,then ask two pairs to act it out. ? Activity 3:Retell the dialogue Have the students read the dialogue by themselves again, then try to retell it as a whole text according to the picture. Step4:post-task Task 3:Role-play Part 1:Someone pick a bag/purse on her/his way to school.He/She look for the owner,but he/she can’t find the owner.So he/she take it to the Lost and Find Office. Part2:T


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